My Glycopyrrolate (Robinul Forte) / Ionto Log


Active member
Hey guys,

Just wanted to start documenting my experiences with Glycopyrrolate (2mg, Robinul Forte) as well as my Idromed 5 PS Iontophoresis machine possibly as more information people can use to make a decision for themselves on what remedies they would like to implement to fight their HH. Figured this wouldn't hurt anyone and maybe help other people, like other people's posts have helped me big time.

Getting everyone up to speed:

I suffer from severe HH in the hands, feet, and armpits, sometimes also having it bad on my forehead only if I am really nervous and hot or exerting myself pretty hard. Had it for at least the last 8 years or as far back as I can remember, I think it might have gotten a bit worse each year or maybe that is because I just don't remember how bad it was.

I have finally only recently gotten the courage to stop feeling sorry for myself and just accepting the way things were and am now somewhat desperate in trying to get my life back and live as a normal person, or as close to it as I can.

I ordered an Idromed 5 PS Iontophoresis machine a little over 2 weeks ago and have been doing the treatments as recommended every single night, 15MA for my hands for 15 minutes and 25 MA for my feet for 15 minutes, switching polarities every 5 treatments and using cold water. My results up to today have been mixed/leaning towards disappointment. I think that my hands remain dry for longer periods of time when I am relaxed and resting by myself (where before ionto they still MIGHT be sweaty), but once I think about my hands, touch lotion, sometimes wash them, rub my hands together, get anxious, nervous, hot, or excited, then the floodgates open and they still stay sweaty for extended periods of time until possibly I go back home and rest. The sweaty hands for me are what trigger my sweaty feet and armpits.

Because I think the ionto may be working just a BIT, I've decided to keep doing it longer to see maybe if it will get more effective over time as I still have 3 days left before the minimum 21 day straight trial to give me what I want in dry hands. But because I am starting school up soon, and no longer want to deal with the routine of meeting new people and seeing friends again with sweaty hands, or even just getting my laptop keyboard wet with sweat or making my papers curl from moisture, I have also this morning started to take glycopyrrolate.

My thought process is that I'll just do both for now because I think that doing both can't hurt my chances of actually getting dry hands for the first week of school but maybe help them, then after a 2 week period of school starting and getting integrated back into the swing of things, maybe scale off the glyco for awhile to see if the ionto on its own has done better since by then I will have done it for a month and a week straight. If not, then I am just going to use glyco to see if that will work for me on it's own.

Today, August 8, 2011:

Since I am still off school and don't have a job, I can wake up whenever I want and usually wake up around 10am. Knowing my plan before hand, I set my alarm for 9am to take my first 2mg glycopyrrolate pill then went back to bed and woke up an hour later at 10am like everyone suggests.

Up until the late afternoon I just had phantom sweating every now and then but didn't actually physically sweat. But once I started doing tests like rubbing my hands together and thinking about it more, I noticed my hands started getting moist. This is key to separate from full blown sweating, it seems like the moisture on my palms was dimished, definitely something not normal and something I would attribute to the glyco. I am debating on whether to take a 2nd pill or not because I think that under regular everyday circumstances 2mg of glyco won't hold up. My dermatologist who perscribed me the pills told me to take 1 in the morning and 1 in the afternoon IF I need it. I am planning to start with 2mg in the mornings and see how far that will take me before I start taking another 2mg in the afternoons, always trying to err on the side of taking less medications with acceptable results. I feel like today I didn't sweat at all because of the glyco as my mouth is a bit pastey, not really powder dry but pastey. I also didn't do anything to make my hands sweat yet like workout, or go outside and run errands, or put myself in a position of anxiety or nervousness. I plan on going to the gym tonight to work out, as I like to keep myself in shape daily. I think that by going to the gym at night, that puts the greatest distance of time between my glyco dose and physically exerting myself, a known risk when on the pills due to dehydration and overheating due to lack of sweat. Working out at night also is much cooler temperatures so that should help as well. What's weird is for some 15 second periods when I think about my hands, or ANYTHING like anxiety or excitement I get phantom sweating where I get the inevitable tingling feeling which usually precedes severe sweating, but once I let my mind gravitate away from thinking those things I checked my hands and they were still dry. I wonder if other people who take glyco/do iontophoresis get phantom sweating still, worried the hell out of me.

Side-effects: Like I said I got a pastey mouth and also I got a dry throat which kind of led to a sore throat (took cough drops and drank water to fight that), but one other thing that really hit me was the feeling of drowsiness, almost like everything was slowed down, and a minor headache. This was more prevalent in the morning and kind of wore off as the day went on and I got up and running out of bed. I am not sure if this is because I went to bed at 2AM or what, but the drowsiness was definitely more than I expected, kind of just felt out of it. Hoping that this is attributed to the 2AM bedtime and not the pills and either way hoping that it will go away soon as I become acclimated to taking glyco. I still feel that IF my hands are truly dry even in the worst situations then this side-effect would be bearable but if it worsens (like if I have to up my dose to 4mg) then I am not sure if the pros would outweigh the cons. I am also making myself pee more often due to the known loss of bladder urgers, and trying to eat more fiber like foods due to constipation risk.

So my results today are what I want but haven't been field tested where I need my hands to be dry the most (interviews, intimate occasions, being with friends, running errands in public, etc). I will try to post daily, if not then weekly. If you have any thoughts, questions, or opinions please do feel free to put them on here, and thanks for everything guys.
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Well-known member
I'm glad to see the Glyco seems to be helping. The side effects such as dry mouth should become less noticeable over time. I don't think the drowsiness is from the Glyco, but let us know if it continues to be an issue. Good luck!


what about the possibility to add robinul in the iontophoresis treatment water, this is then a topical solution and the side effects should be much lower???
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Active member
What's up guys. I haven't considered doing the Robinul into the ionto, I wonder if anyone has had success with that as that might as you suggested Salli decrease the side-effects with the same results. I just am doing what I can do to ENSURE I have dry hands by the time school starts. The pill and ionto seem to helping me reach that goal.

Day 2, August 9, 2011:

Today was a marked improvement over yesterday as I took a 2mg pill this morning at 9am then woke up at 11am and had breakfast then. Every night I also do the exact same ionto routine with 15ma hands 25 ma feet for 15 mins a piece, switching polarities every 5 treatments. I did a field test today by running on a treadmill for 30 minutes in a warm, indoor environment (my local gym) and my hands were barely moist for 1 minute total, my overall sweat production was drastically reduced. The 30 minute light run warm up I do will usually have me dripping from my forehead with sweat marks all over me, but today all I had was a bit of moisture in my armpits and light beads of sweat by the end of the run on my forehead. My hands and feet were dry!!! I was infront of a fan and also stopped every 5 minutes to drink water to keep myself cooler. So far so good, I don't think that I am exactly where I want to be yet where I can be outside in warm weather running errands and stay bone dry but today was a big improvement over yesterday. Phantom sweating was also less noticable today. Still haven't done the dosage of 4mg daily with a 2mg booster in the afternoon and hope to never have to go to that level if I keep improving the way I have these two days, the second dose of 2mg would be almost pointless for me anyway since by 3-4-5pm and up I wouldn't really care if my sweating returned as I am home working out or doing homework, unless of course I would go on a date or a public outing with friends or family. The combination of ionto (which was maybe 50% effective on its own) and 2mg of glyco in the morning seem to be working wonders without any drastic side-effects.

Side effects: Dry throat again, almost getting sore, but my mouth is almost normal. I read somewhere that you should put the pill in as back close to your throat as possible and take it quick as anything the pill touches will dry it out maybe explaining my sore throat. I found that sugarless candy helps a BIT, but sugarless gum does the trick for me really helping me get more saliva to my throat. I still feel a little bit drowsy or kind of out of it, hard to explain, but nowhere near as bad as the first day. Another thing that I've noticed (trying to be really observant here) is that my appetite might be a bit surpressed on this drug as I am less hungry than normal, as a young guy I eat a ton, and since I've been on the drug I haven't had as many cravings or hunger pangs. My stomach might be a tad bit bloated too as a warned side-effect. I have to pee quite a bit too, or at least when I force myself to go pee more often due to losing some of the sensation of having to pee and I don't want any urinary tract infections or bladder problems, I notice that I pee a lot and pretty frequently. But I am also drinking more water to keep my throat moist and keep my body hydrated.

That is all so far!


Well-known member
Congrats, and keep up the posts. I can imagine how you must feel being on the brink of a small break through with sweating/confidence/dryness/etc. Good stuff, very good.

-- I like to chew gum while on glyco as well, It normally cures my dry throat thing. GL


Active member
Hey Husky337! Glad to hear that the glycopyrrolate is starting to kick in. I'm pretty sure that the side effects will either wear off over time, or you'll just get accustomed to it. I too just received my glyco from the pharmacy, and I can't wait to give it a try. Hope everything works out in your favor by the end of the day. Here's to a good life! Cheers! :D


Well-known member
I have tried adding glycopyrrolate years ago to my ionto treatment, along with sea salt, baking soda and neither has helped in any way. The only thing that has really helped with achieving dryness really fast was adding at least a third of rainwater(collecting rain runoff from the rooftop into a bucket) to your tap water.


Active member
What's up guys, I really appreciate the support, input, and reaching out from you all.

Day 4, August 11:

Yesterday and today were not that big of improvements from the first two days. I was dry most of the time, but there were still situational instances where I was getting sweaty palms and feet. It is key to mention that when my hands and feet were sweaty, I think they were only half as bad as normal. I think they were just very moist, but not wet. I am still only taking 2mg in the mornings and haven't upped to 4mg, but the last two days my iontophoresis therapy hasn't been going as planned. I use the Idromed 5 PS system, and two things have happened: 1. my tolerance level for some reason has decreased and not increased or I just got really senstive to the machine after 21 straight sessions. Now it's burning parts of my hands and feet just above water levels at the 15MA and 25MA when before I could handle that intensity no problem. I also got some under foot pain on my right side, but either way I didn't do the full 25MA and 15MA for 15 minutes each but less intensity. Also unrelated, my machine is not detecting the circuit being complete with my feet for some reason, when I put my hands in it automatically starts working, but with my feet it stopped doing that. Anyone have any ideas why? I've had to now put my hands in and methodically switch them out for my feet which is quite awkward. All in all though the pill seems to be working but not yet what I am hoping for in 100% dryness. My hands are definitely more dry overall and sweat less when they do start up, and when my hands are dry boy are they ashy bone-dry. I am not sure even with 4mg if my hands will be completely and always dry it just seems that with ionto and glyco going that the situations I encounter that make me sweat reduce the sweating drastically, hopefully more so with 4mg.

An idea I wanted to tell you guys is that the times I need to be dry 90% of the time are between 8am-4pm, unless a planned outing or occasion at night with friends or family. If the 2mg is working somewhat well but my doctor said I could go up to 4mg a day, I was thinking of taking one 2mg pill right before I go to bed and then take the booster at 6am, maybe to really give me full strength 4mg starting around 8-9am if that makes sense. Because my doc told me to take one in the morning before breakfast, and a booster in the afternoon if I need it, but I really don't care about having my hands be sweaty at home when I'm just doing homework or errands.

Side-Effects: The sore-throat has been subsiding like everyone said it would so that was really nice, and I never really got a dry mouth. No blurred vision, I think maybe minor headaches here and there but nothing not manageable and maybe due to other things. I still notice a bit of bloating in my abs and every morning when I take the pill my stomach bubbles a little bit I've noticed as I'm falling back asleep. Two other things I wanted to mention though is that this pill definitely affects my peeing ability, as I get a weird sensation that I have to go more often now but not the pressing sensation I used to get pre-glyco. And 5 out of 10 times when I have to pee now its a tiny trickle, and the other 5 times my pee comes out in spurts where it now takes me 1-2 mins to really get everything out as I'll think I'm done then boom more pee, also drinking more water now probably doesn't help. Sorry if that was overly descriptive. But yes this is messing with my bladder probably but if it stays like it is now then it's no big deal as I'm not getting pain peeing or anything like that. Another side effect that I am not sure is attributable to the glyco was earlier after dinner today I got a pretty damn bad stomach ache, and it just came out of nowhere and blasted me for maybe 30-1hr. I was curled up in my bed and had a heat compress on my stomach, ate water and crackers, then it slowly subsided. This was really weird though that it came out of nowhere, not sure if it was because of the glyco or something I ate or something else. I read that you aren't supposed to take potassium pills while on glyco and I ate a banana on an empty stomach after dinner so maybe it was the banana or maybe it might have been something I ate.

That's all for now!


Well-known member
I would recommend cutting back on the ionto usage. If you are doing it everyday and it is starting to burn your hands, it's too much. I would go every other day or every 3rd day.

I never have bladder problems or stomach problems with glyco, but maybe it effects people differently.