Need someone!


New member
When I'm about to do something, like grab a poptart to eat that I don't necessarily need, I feel that I shouldn't because something bad will happen. If I grab the poptart anyway, then I'm selfish. I know it's irrational, but I second guess myself anyway. It's not only that. It's many things, like lying a certain way when I go to sleep. Making sure my legs don't touch. Making sure I say a certain thing when I plug a plug into an outlet. All because something bad might happen if I don't. Last night I removed a mirror from my vanity desk, and moved it out of my room before I went to sleep, because I worried that sleeping with it near me would cause something. I think, what if I don't do this, what if I ignore the thoughts, and something bad actually happens, will that make me selfish and cold? Am I selfish and cold for ignoring these serious thoughts for a poptart? Anyway. I'm not sure what to do, or how clear my judgement is about things right now. I feel like I shouldn't be making this post, because something bad will happen. Any suggestions?


I have heard of this exact OCD before. Go to this site and it actually talks exactly about this kind of obsession and how to overcome it.

read it over well. the dr. who wrote it KNOWS what he's talking about bigtime.

what you have to start doing is breaking the behavioral pattern you've developed. You have to just start doing things EVENTHOUGH something bad might happen because if you think of it rationally, the probabilities of something bad happening from you doing something like that are very low if not non-existent. Continuing to DO THINGS ANYWAY whether something bad happens or not, will eventually retrain your brain and afterwhile, you won't give a rip and you won't even think about it. Please read that site, it goes into detail about how to overcome this. I know it's hard.. I have OCD myself in a different way. I have to do things a certain way or my mind will tell me that I didn't get it right. It's so frustrating so I KNOW how hard it is to not act on the "error message" your brain is sending you but you have to just do the stuff anyway and think "if something bad happens, then something bad happens.. oh well"

what's happening is that the back part of your brain isn't the rational logical part.. all it does is send the alert messages to the rational part (front) of the brain. What's happening to something w OCD is that that back part of the brain is saying "something bad is going to happen if you eat that poptart while not hungry" the front part of your brain says "well, that's just absurd, that doesn't make sense" so you have two parts of your brain that are conflicting w one another and that's what's causing the doubt and the stressful thoughts and obsessions.

Once you go against what it's telling you to do enough times, your brain sort of "gives up" because it realizes that the rational part of the brain is taking over.

hope that helps. Lemme know what you think of that site.