No employment embarrassment


Well-known member
I went to the bank to open a new account yesterday and while going through the rigmarole of setting it up the question of what I do for a living arose.
"I'm unemployed" I answered truthfully.
I was then asked how long I've been unemployed.
"Since I finished school" was the only answer I could give.

Rightly or wrongly I found it intensely humiliating. I felt so small and contemptible in the eyes of the other person.
I've been in similar situations before and have always felt the same.
Because I'm not obviously disabled in some way it's all too easy for others to assume that people in my situation are just too lazy to bother working but there are few things that upset and frustrate me more than the fact that my problems have held me back from some sort of career.
I've taken the first couple of short steps to rectifying this in recent months but any progress will inevitably be slow and very difficult.

So few people understand just how debilitating and life-destroying conditions like SP or OCD can be.


yah I havent had a "normal" job in 7 or 8 years....I do odd jobs for my dads company from home (thats like for a couple weeks every few months) friends make fun of me a lot for being a "bum" and such....hell its definitely not by choice!!!!!


Well-known member
dont feel to bad, in this job climate at mo there are millions without jobs , over here and in usa


Well-known member
I can agree with that. I'm sure that the combination of intense fear and bad economy for some us is a deal breaker. I always feel awful when I'm actively looking for a job and am told "If you're not going to work you need to find yourself something useful to do until school starts again." if I like being unemployed with no money ::(:


Well-known member
No worries mate, the job climate is not in great shape here. No real security and very little new opportunities. Its getting to everyone.

SA can make it extremely difficult but you've made steps in the right direction. Won't be long now till all this is behind you :)


Well-known member
yeh i know how you feel at the moment. i mean i'm only working two shifts per week which is pretty much sod all and my full time job is applying for full time work. i've had two interviews thus far which is great experience in becoming immune to future interviews but it can really impact your self-esteem when you know your sister and cousins all have great paying full time jobs and own houses and my parents and others in the family like to compare me to them so that i feel the true pain of this situation. i just want to live in my own flat perhaps with one friend and live an independent life. i've done it before and it felt great to have so much freedom.

Tlachtgha i think the best thing you'll ever do is to simply find a career advisor and sit down with them for a few hours to find out the sorts of jobs that would suit you the most. they will be fine with you and you'll get something out of it as well, then you can start applying for those sorts of jobs. the upsides to you becoming more independent will in the end probably make you feel alot happier plus you'll have more money to live a life that you want.


Well-known member
Thanks for the responses. It's good to know there are others who understand what I'm on about.
As for a career advisor, I think he'd have his work cut out for him with me -
"Have you ever considered becoming an ascetic monk?" :)