OCD madness, Maybe!?


Well-known member
Hi, I'm new to the forums. I'm 15 and i think i have OCD, along with my depersonalization disorder and other numerous anxiety disorders. The past 5 or 6 weeks, i forget, i have been constantly worrying that im going schizophrenic! It's always on my mind, and it won't go away! Im so ridden with anxiety and so exhausted... it's killing me :[. I've been having constant intrusive images of me walking around as a homeless dude talking to himself or something... its really scary ::(: Also, i've had images like my kitten lying on the floor dead and my house burning down and it's so disturbing D: I would never harm my animals and I love them to death but i get so worried that something is going to happen to them!

Some of my obsessions: Fear of going schizophrenic, fear of hallucinating/being delusional, seeing my house burn down, stabbing people with knives *Scary*, other weird things like throwing my cellphone out of my car, and when im riding in busses im afraid were going to drive off a cliff or something :[ Worrying about cancer, and meningococcal meningitis

Possible compulsions?: How i was myself in the shower, hair, then the rest of my body, im afraid i wont get clean if i wash myself any other way, also how i dry myself off when i get out of the shower; face, chest, arms, legs, back, then hair, ALWAYS has to be wet, but not dripping wet. Stepping twice in sidewalk squares, no matter how big or small it is. Avoiding cracks, i dont want to break my moms back <--stupid fear, When i touch something, i touch it 21 times, when i wash my hands, i rub my hands in running water 21 times, squirt soap three times, rub my hands again 21 times, shake my hands 21 times, and pat my hands dry... you guessed it, 21 times :mad: I think its 21 because 7 is my lucky number, and 3 is a "good" number, and 7 times three is 21, and 2+1 = 3 lol... its stupid. I only use 3 types of towels and one type of spoon/fork *i bring utensils to restaurants*. I check the stove constantly after its been used during the day, just to make sure its off, even though i know it is..

Any feedback would help! thanks!


Well-known member
Oh right! I also forgot, I constantly correct things, I notice the slightest things and immediately correct them in my head. It's not things like Capital letters that bug me, but just wrong letters or spelling, and incorrect punctuation! Also if somebody says something wrong in sentences i correct them, someone was talking about a husband but they aren't married, and I immediately corrected them and said "Don't you mean 'Fiancé'?", even though it didn't really matter ><


Well-known member
a lot of the things you describe are very simular to how I feel.
I have adhd as well and I can't read which causes a lot of my depressive issues.
try to think of everything as connected, it helps me.
some very strange things have happened to me in my life involving a lot of luck.
don't think of the things that you don't have.
I get hung up on the fact that I can't read because i have very bad dyslexia, but just recently i've tried to see it as a positive attribute because not being able to read books means that I have to live absolutly in the here and now which is actually a state of existance some people aspire and desire to achieve and yet I have to live moment to moment because I cannot do much else.
all i spend my time doing now is helping other people and believe me that always makes you feel better about yourself.
i hope this helped.
also think about god as well, I was an atheist but I define myself more as a pantheist now in that I try to see god in everyone, this is extremely difficult when dealing with certain people but try to seek out the subtle connections in things that happen to you, there may appear to be a lack of reason or direction in your life but look at all the little things in your life.
you might feel like you have nothing (like i do) but i bet if i ask you now to name a few friends and people that you really admire you would be able to do that.
never give up.
i hope you are well :)


Well-known member
Thanks you guys, in a twisted way i feel better that i have OCD... because its not schizophrenia ><
Just another anxiety disorder to add to my list