odor question


New member
Hi All I am glad I found this place. I don't have so much sweating, but one underarm no matter what I use begins to have odor during the day and night. I do not have lots of sweat, but I notice on the underarm that has the odor it is damp. Is this a part of hyperhidrosis eventhough I do not have a large amount of sweat?

As you all know this is an :oops: problem, people think your not clean when you cannot control odor and I have never found answers like why only one underarm?

In the past I could rotate antip/deo products when they ceased to work. They would only work for a little while. Now nothing works. I have been trying mitchum cream at bed time, more in the morning and then Arrid extra dry. Any support or advice would be appreciated. If it is not hyperhidrosis what could it be???


Well-known member
Have you been to see a doctor? That would probably be your best bet as there could be various possible reasons to cause it.