Opinions on my sweating? LSA Treatment?


Hi everyone im new to this forum. Im a 24 year old male from UK. Suffered with Underarm HH since about 14. Its not a constant thing, i type this out now and im as dry as a bone. Mine is a vicious circle and the more i think about it in certain stresfull situations, the more i sweat etc, its like a mental/anxiety problem.

When i was 18 i had botox, and also the surgery that scrapes away the sweat glands. I dont think the people could have done a very good job because in the nervous situations, i still sweat a huge ammount under my arms. Basically what options do i have left?

Im thinking of going to see Dr Whiteley who is pioneering this new Laser sweat abalation treatment for underarms, that permantly destroys the sweat glands. Has anyone had this treatment before?
