overcoming social phobia


New member
I can honestly say that I am someone that has 100% overcome social phobia and i don't really know if i will be of any help, but i'd really like to give you some advice on defeating this crippling problem.

My social phobia really kicked in at the age of 12, I'd lived in Turkey and had a very happy childhood until the age of 10 and then my parents got divorced and we moved to Scotland with my mother. When I began school it was a complete culture shock, I'd always been a vivacious talkative child but despite my efforts i was rejected by most of the other children because i looked different and unusual due to my dark colouring and strange accent. Nevertheless, i managed to make a few good friends and although we were refered to as the weirdo's or the nerds by the other little kiddies, i was happy. When i was 12 i won a scholarship to a posh, private English boarding school and when i began there it was like entering an alien world. The other rich kids there were super confident, super sporty and looked 12, where as my confidence had taken a knocking at the Scottish elementary school and the thing that set me apart most from the other kids was that i already had a woman's figure, with size C breasts, i was 5'6 (AND I WAS 12!!) and most importantly i was of colour, the only kid in the whole school that was not lily-white. I don't think racism was an issue, i don't think the other kids disliked me because of my colour, if i had been, for example black but had adjusted to British culture and spoke with a British accent i think i would have been accepted, but I didn't, I was just too foreign and strange. They were reading Enid Blyton and I was reading Charles Dickens, they were into sports and cheesy pop music and i was only intro swimming and listened to jazz. I looked wrong and everything I did was wrong. I tried to talk to them but i think i was too much of a smarty pants, i was much too philosophical and dreamy, even though i hid my real personality and opinions and tried to pretend i was boyband obsessed and liked the Spice girls, i think they could tell I was a fake. So i decided the best thing to do was to stop trying and shut up. And I really did shut up, all through high school from the ages of 12 to 17, I did not talk, i was like a mute. I could talk to grown ups but people my own age? I was clueless, i could not make any kind of conversation. Thank god, i finished school early because I'd been moved up a year because of my grades and once i finished school, I had options. I didn't go to college, i thought it would be like school and the same social problems would resurface so I bummed around for a year. I met some 27 year old African guy in a coffee shop and for the first time in 6 years, i felt at ease, i could talk about anything and not feel self conscious. We hit it off immediately and began dating, i met other people from Africa and soon i had a group of friends for the first time since childhood. But I still could not socialise with Scottish people, i was terrified of getting into a situation where i would have to make conversation with Scottish people, so I stuck to foreign people and I was fine. I had a very small world but I was happy. But when i was alone, walking down the street or something i would feel extremely self conscious and ugly, i would feel like people were constantly staring at me and i used to always get panic attacks. I felt UGLY, INADEQUATE and HUMILIATED because i hated myself, i hated everything about myself, my personality the way i looked, EVERYTHING. Then, when i was 19 I moved to South Africa for a year to go to university over there and it was high school all over again, people were friendly but it was all priveleged white kids, overconfident and arrogant (in my diluded perception) and better than me. I could talk to non-white people fine, because they were outsiders, like me (even though in South Africa I was considered white, I didn't act white) and i didn't feel inadequate. But the majority of people were white at the university and again i was the social reject, people would invite me out to parties and always made an effort to befriend me but i'd avoid these situations and not go to these parties because i was convinced that i'd get tongue tied and awkward and end up making a complete fool out of myself and blow the cover on who i really was, a complete idiot. But I didn't want them to know i felt inferior so everyday i'd wake up, dress up in designer clothes, cover my face in make up and walk around like i owned the place and be aloof, cool and unfriendly because i thought that if they thought i was a stuck up bitch it would be better than them thinking i was an inadequate geek. Inside I was dying, i was so self conscious, i'd have panic attacks everytime i prepared to leave the house, my hands would get clammy and i'd tremble but then i'd get ready for my big act and go out there acting like a complete bitch.
When i returned to Scotland at the age of 20, i was filled with the most intense self loathing, i couldn't stand myself, all my friends had moved away and i was all alone and i couldn't stop thinking about what a pathetic, useless person i was. Two months later I had a nervous breakdown with psychotic symptoms and i ended up in a mental hospital for two months. It was like a nightmare, everything, the past came flooding back, every deep seated insecurity surfaced and i fought it, but eventually i stopped fighting and began to face it, i faced everything i hated about myself, every little insecurity and every huge insecurity and i accepted myself for what i was. This is what i can tell you, when someone points out a mistake you have or you think about how much you hate yourself, don't push it away, FACE IT, DEAL WITH IT. Because all phobias stem from some deep seated problem. DON'T GET DEFENSIVE, ACCEPT YOUR FLAWS AND EITHER CORRECT THEM OR IF THEY ARE A PART OF YOUR PERSONALITY LEARN TO LOVE THEM. And when you are having a conversation with someone, don't think about how they are viewing you, don't mentally watch yourself andf think what a fool you are, stop torturing yourself with constant self examination, realise that person doesn't know you, they're not immediately going to judge you and think you're an idiot but if you're in front of them, trying to make conversation and all the time thinking, I'm fucking it up, I'm fucking it up, you will fuck it up.....RELAX AND STOP PICTURING YOURSELF, STOP LISTENING TO YOURSELF, JUST LET THE WORDS FLOW. ALL YOUR FLAWS ARE WHAT MAKES YOUR PERSONALITY INTERESTING, OKAY??!!! YOU EVER HEARD THE EXPRESSION FLAWLESS TO A FLAW? NO ONE IS PERFECT, YOU ARE NOT PERFECT, SO DON'T TRY TO BE PERFECT, DON'T PUT ON FALSE PERSONALITIES TO HIDE YOUR TRUE SELF, JUST BE YOURSELF, RELAX AND LET THE WORDS FLOW, DON'T THINK, NO NO WHAT I'M THINKING IS STUPID, DON'T THINK ABOUT EVERYTHING YOU'RE GOING TO SAY, JUST SAY THE FIRST THING THAT COMES TO YOUR MIND, LET THE OTHER PERSON SEE YOU FOR WHO YOU ARE, AND TRUST ME THEY WILL LIKE YOU. Because I've realised the best qualities you can have as a person is to be caring and have a good heart and that is what people judge, that is what really counts, no noe's going to give a shit if you're slightly 'geeky' or 'weird' as long as you're not creepy or too intense they will like you because you are nice.

In a social situation NEVER be needy, NEVER be sleazy (if you're a guy and you've just met a girl, DO NOT mention ANYTHING sexual), and don't be too intense. Just chill out and talk about your interests and your thoughts. AND people LOVE to talk about themselves so ASK A LOT OF QUESTIONS and when they're answering show that you're genuinely interested and make encouraging face expressions or the occasional encouraging phrase to show you find them or whatever interesting. And if you don't find them interesting, pretend. Treat people the way you'd want to be treated. Don't think, is this person going to think i'm a geek, think how would i want this person to treat me and apply it to them. STOP WORRYING, YOU ARE FABULOUS!!! :) YOU ARE NOT UGLY, YOU ARE NOT STUPID, YOU ARE NOT FAT, YOU ARE NOT A GEEK, YOU ARE NOT INADEQUATE, YOU ARE YOU!! AND THERE IS NO OTHER YOU!! LEARN TO VALUE YOURSELF. HOW CAN YOU NOT BE INTERESTING? YOU ARE THE ONLY YOU IN THE WORLD, THERE IS NO OTHER YOU!! YOU ARE UNIQUE!! AND SPECIAL!! TELL YOURSELF THAT EVERYDAY. And most importantly, really really try to think about all your insecurities, even the tiny weeny ones, write them all down and think, why, why are you punishing yourself, is there any point? Face them ALL, correct your flaws and learn to live with the ones that are your actual personality, make them a commodity.

I really hope I've been of some help or at least given you some hope.

I really wish the best for you all and I hope you all find happiness because REALLY, LIFE IS TOO SHORT, ENJOY IT BECAUSE BEFORE YOU KNOW YOU'LL BE OLD AND YOU'LL LOOK BACK ON YOUR YOUTH AND HAVE NO HAPPY MEMORIES. BUT IF YOU LEARN TO LOVE YOURSELF AND LOVE LIFE, LIFE WILL OVE YOU AND SHOW YOU A GOOD TIME AND YOU'LL BE OLD AND LOOK BACK ON YOUR YOUTH AND SMILE AT THE GOOD OLD DAYS. LIFE IS YOUR BIGGEST GIFT, ITS THERE TO LIVE SO LIVE IT AND ENJOY IT TO THE FULL. And never hurt anyones feelings. Have a good heart, be honest and be nice. And find peace in yourself. As I said before, you are unique, value that and value yourself. Unique and precious, because precious stones are precious because they're rare and there's only one of you so you're one the most precious gems. But always be a good person, or at least always try.

Lots of love, hugs and air kisses - Elana d.


New member
And stop being paranoid!!! No one's blaming you, no one's looking at you, no one's thinking bad things about you.

Like, this is how I over came my paranoia. Think rationally, are you always critical of other people? Are you always looking at what they're wearing? Thinking they're bloody ugly? Thinking, geez how can someone be so stupid? NO, and other people aren't doing it to you either. People AREN'T JUDGING YOU, YOU'RE JUDGING YOURSELF AND REFLECTING YOUR THOUGHTS ONTO OTHER PEOPLE AND BECOMING CONVINCED THAT THEY HATE EVERYTHING YOU HATE ABOUT YOURSELF, THEY DON'T!!!!!!! THEY DON'T KNOW YOU!!! I SWEAR, THE MINUTE YOU STOP HATING YOURSELF, YOU'LL SEE, LIFE'S A BREEZE, WHO GIVES A SH'* WHAT ANYONE THINKS OF YOU? AS LONG AS YOU LOVE YOURSELF! And trust me, if you learn to love yourself, other people will like you.

And always try to be positive. The most damaging thing you can do is wallow in your self pity, its completely unconstructive and just makes things worse. I've been there, I've done that and its a one way road to severe depression, trust me. Every time you feel shitty, do something you like, but don't comfort eat or take drugs or anything that's going to make you feel worse the next day. Watch a movie you like, go for a walk, whatever...just do something that's gonna distract you from your negative thoughts and is going to make you happy.

Okay, I'm probably just annoying everyone instead of being any help but hey I'm trying!!! ;) Because this whole social phobia thing is the pits, its something i feel very strongly about because it ruined what should have been good times in my life and i wish someone had told me this when i was 12 and i wouldn't have wasted 7 years thinking everyone hated me, 7 years of every eating disorder imaginable, 7 years of regular suicide attempts, 7 years of absolute misery because i HATED myself. Feeling sorry for yourself and hating yourself is such a waste of time, it CRIPPLES you, it stops you from enjoying life, it stops you from doing anything. Hate is the most unproductive, useless emotion of all, get rid of it.


Well-known member
Hi Elana :)
I think it is true that if you are struggling, sometimes you can become negative towards the people around you and defensive.
People might not dislike you if you are quiet, or blush easily, or stutter or twitch or any of the other things people get wth social phobia...
but they will dislike you if you are negative towards them because you are feeling bad in yourself. So it is good advice to not to project your feelings about yourself onto those around you
I'm glad you're ok in yourself and enjoying life again! :)
Its nice for you to take the time to try and help other people....


New member
The whole blushing and twitching and other nervous symtoms is because you are feeling insecure about yourself in the given situation.

In a social situation don't feel like you HAVE TO fit in, don't feel like you have to adjust to other people's personalities, REALISE THIS, YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO BE YOU, you don't have to be like everyone else, that's just boring anyway, I mean look at the people that fit into this ridicilous thing called the 'norm', are they interesting? Probably not, because they're like everybody else. This might sound ridicilous to you all given the situation you're all in and the way you're feeling about yourselves, but social phobia, once you've over come it, could actually have been a very enriching experience.

I mean, I spent most of my youth studying other people's behaviour and trying to figure out what the hell I was supposed to act like. Now that I've over come my social phobia I don't ACT like the people I studied, but I KNOW their type. And this has enabled me to have extremely good social skills, once I over came my paranoia and insecurities, because I UNDERSTAND people.

Let me tell you this, people that judge you or make you feel inadequate (and i don't mean people that just make you feel paranoid, i mean if you have actual proof that they don't like you) are morons, they're not worth your time, because I find that judgemental people are extremely narrow minded, they're judging you because they have such a small world and such a small mind that they can't comprehend anything or anyone that is different, they have narrow set rules of what is normal and what is not, and YOU shouldn't get defensive or take on board their critism or snidey looks or anything, you should PITY them. Because they have such a small little mind that anything unusual is beyond their comprehension. And they don't like you because you're different and people often fear what they don't know or don't understand. They are judging you because you are beyond their understanding and deep down THEY FEAR YOU OR SOMETHING ABOUT YOU. So PITY them because they are PATHETIC and PETTY. Remember that, PETTY. They're trying to make themselves feel better by putting you down, I MEAN HOW LOW CAN YOU GET?!

The people that are worth anything are non-judgemental people, people that try to make you feel at ease even if you've said something stupid, because they understand you or are at least making the effort to try and understand you, they are not narrow minded, they don't have a narrow set of rules to dictate their life, they are interesting people because they accept everything and everyone or at least make an effort to.

YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO BE YOU, Don't always make an effort to fit in, just be yourself and don't critisize yourself, don't judge yourself and don't get paranoid that the person opposite you is judging you, stop thinking about yourself and analysing every movement you make or everything you say for signs of inadequacy, YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO BE YOU SO RELAX AND BE YOURSELF. And if people don't like you or make derogatory comments, fuck'em, who the hell do they think they are? They are just so pathetic that they like seeing someone's insecurities or nervousness and like making them feel bad about it, because THEY are insecure and it makes them feel good about themselves. REALLY, how pathetic is that?

I swear, this worked for me, STOP STOP STOP THINKING ABOUT OR PICTURING YOURSELF in social situations, STOP looking at the person with you for signs of boredom or dislike, because if you keep looking for it, you'll imagine you've seen it, it's called paranoia. In truth, there's probably nothing there. Actually, if the person's worthwhile, I guarantee you, there WON'T be anything negative there and if you think you've seen it or start feeling inadequate you're IMAGINING IT and GETTING PARANOID.

If you work in a 9 till 5 job as a check out chick or a assistant in a shop, you are going to be surrounded by mostly (but not necessarily all) very narrow minded people who are going to judge you because they don't understand you, sorry for saying this but they're probably not very worldly so they don't have the mental capacity to understand anything different. Go to college or some kind of educational institute, the people there are trying to broaden their horizons so even if they don't understand you they're likely to make an effort with you and if they don't understand you, they'll just leave you alone and not be a nuisance for you. Also, it'll make you feel better to go to college or try to gain some kind of qualification, because you're making life happen, you're doing something positive towards the future and hey, even if you don't make a million friends at least you're life is going somewhere, you'll have more career prospects and a better future ahead of you and you'll learn stuff that'll be interesting.....but only do something that you have a genuine interest in because if you're doing something you hate or find boring its just going to depress you more.

Anyway, I've babbled and babbled, I think I'll shut up now! ;).....sorry for the bad news but I'll be back! See, I'm in the third year of a Psychology and Sociology degree so I feel I'm reasonably qualified to help and I aint going anywhere till I feel I've done some good! ;)

Lots of love and hugs


New member
And if you have any questions or any problems please feel free to email me, I don't have all the answers but what worked for me may work for you or at least help you a bit. My email address is [email protected] and I will answer, maybe not immediately but within a week.


Well-known member
great post elana!

good job..

it is really hard to help people...

i have tried helping fellow SA mates and the response is negative.

it either they find it ridiculous or they see me as "o-u-are-trying-to-besmart" kind of guy, which i am not..

i have gone through social phobia, and helping others is not the best way, but helping yourselves is the best option..

people may motivate u, but if u r motivated but do not commit to it, it will be useless..