oxybutynin for idiopathic hyperhidrosis.


Has anybody tried taking oxybutynin for idiopathic hyperhidrosis?

I believe this type of hyperhidrosis is when its triggered by anxiety/worry etc, and the sweating isnt constant, just in certain situations??

Has anyone had much luck with this drug?


Well-known member
Tried it.

Worked quite ok for my body HH...didn't do much for my palmoplantar HH. Stopped taking it because it passes the blood/brain barrier and felt it didn't do enough at a normal dosage to justify that. Adressed that with my doc, but she wasn't comfortable prescribing glyco (which doesn't readily cross the bb). Not that there is any real cause to think it isn't safe to take oxy long term, but in reality it's is mostly prescribed to old people, which is probably the reason it is being connected with dementia in the first place, but why take chances that aren't necessary with my brain...

After having pursued some other things, now looking to get glyco precribed by a neurologist...