People gang up on you


do you ever get the feeling everyone is ganging up on you, even your friends? I get this a lot when im hanging out with a group of people, and i think they are seeing the anxiety and nervrousness and they see my weakness. Sometimes i think they are saying hints to eachother that will be like "yea you see it in him? that SA thing is there and its killin him! haha wow!"


Well-known member
If that's your friends then either you have a paranoia issue to address or your friends suck and you are better off without them.


Well-known member
Im in the same situation and i told my uni consellour and she says its me thats paraniod but sometimes i really feel that others are trying to have a go at me and that they are trying to bring me down. I get so confused about it, i dunno what to think.


Well-known member
i have that occaisonally with my friends, but more with the other 'groups' in my class. Especially the popular kids. my paranoia has calmed doqwn alot this new year though. when i cwas in yr 9 (last year) it was awful.


Well-known member
its a bit of both probly. i reckon with me it was about 85% my imagination, and 15% real.

Just because people were having a joke .. i would think it was about me :roll: :lol:

but then again sometimes it is .. cause your being a wierdo, other people can see that, and so they might think something about you or have a go at you, but much more usual is that its paranoia

Pretty much the way you feel inside is the way you come across to others .. somehow it never fails to come out through your expression, you body language, your voice and so on. So if your feeling like a shit .. be assured that those around you can see it.


Active member
I was on a camping trip once with a group, i knew little about the my SA then. I pretty much didn't speak for whole time we were there cos i felt really depressed and didn't have much in common with the pple there. And one dude angrily says to me 'how the fuck did you get on this gig?' in front of quite a few pple and i had no answer. I never forgot that.. that trip is a recurring nightmare for me.

I never go anywhere i can't jump in my car and go home from now....