Please Help! I feel Like An OUTCAST In the Social Anxiety Community

I feel like an outcast among outcast ....

I think i fit the avoidant personality disorder more than social anxiety... i dont know what the differences are but it makes me feel even more inferior knowing that i have a special form of anxiety thats worse than social anxiety and it really makes me think about giving up i just need some support like.. is avoidant personality different from social anxiety? It seems like most people have social anxiety and now i feel left out like u guys wont be able to relate to me or i feel like im exta Fukked UP WHILE U GUYS ARE JUST moderately messed up smh

I always wondered why my friends with social anxiety could function more than i could

Well-known member
Please don't feel like an outcast on here. Just having a good look around the forum you'll see that a lot of people will understand your situation.

The Avoidant Personality Disorder sub-forum on here has over 20 pages of threads so you're not alone.

There also seems to be a bit of a cross over with the two. Some people, myself included experience many of the traits of both SA and AvPD, so its not a case of 'extra ****** up' versus 'moderately'. People experience a multitude of different things and offer support to each other where they can on here.

I hope you find the support here you need to make you feel less of an outcast. :)
Please don't feel like an outcast on here. Just having a good look around the forum you'll see that a lot of people will understand your situation.

The Avoidant Personality Disorder sub-forum on here has over 20 pages of threads so you're not alone.

There also seems to be a bit of a cross over with the two. Some people, myself included experience many of the traits of both SA and AvPD, so its not a case of 'extra ****** up' versus 'moderately'. People experience a multitude of different things and offer support to each other where they can on here.

I hope you find the support here you need to make you feel less of an outcast. :)

I know... it just still makes me feel inferior because i feel like avoidant personality is worse than social anxiety at least according to that most sources say on wikipedia


Well-known member
I know... it just still makes me feel inferior because i feel like avoidant personality is worse than social anxiety at least according to that most sources say on wikipedia

Don't listen to wikipedia. I understand how you feel though, whenever I read something on the internet I for sure feel worse then I did before I read it. People here can relate to feeling inferior. I know I can. You are not alone & I dont think youre fcuked up. Everyone has some type of struggle. But, welcome, I hope you can find some type of solace here.


Well-known member
Even that Wikipedia entry you're talking about points out that there's controversy over whether the two are different enough to justify being considered different disorders.

If you're worried about it being 'worse', I describe it to myself as merely being more specific. In the same way that all squares are rectangles, but not all rectangles are necessarily squares, AvPD is social anxiety but not all social anxiety is necessarily AvPD. I'm sure you'll find some folk are less screwed up and others are more screwed up, regardless of whatever diagnosis they've received.

I feel the same way much of the time - that either nobody will relate, that I'll get nothing more than platitudes, or just be ignored altogether. That in itself is a symptom, I imagine. As others have already said, this isn't true.
Even that Wikipedia entry you're talking about points out that there's controversy over whether the two are different enough to justify being considered different disorders.

If you're worried about it being 'worse', I describe it to myself as merely being more specific. In the same way that all squares are rectangles, but not all rectangles are necessarily squares, AvPD is social anxiety but not all social anxiety is necessarily AvPD. I'm sure you'll find some folk are less screwed up and others are more screwed up, regardless of whatever diagnosis they've received.

I feel the same way much of the time - that either nobody will relate, that I'll get nothing more than platitudes, or just be ignored altogether. That in itself is a symptom, I imagine. As others have already said, this isn't true.

Yes this is exactly what im talking about.... i guess i dont have it the worse and i feel better comparing myself to others or hoping im not the only one who suffers from this but its kinda refreshing to know other people suffer and have it worse than me sounds mean but i dont think about wants to be seen as the worse of the worse


Well-known member
I've both traits of AvPD as well as SA, I think it depends on the person also everyone feels them on different levels. I'm sorry you're feeling like an outcast though I'm sure there're many people here who can relate.


Avpd is a load of BS in my opinion, it´s a ridiculous diagnosis. Because if someone avoids the society, they have a reason, which is mostly nothing else than social phobia, feeling awkward etc. These can have even physical causes, like badly functioning adrenal glands, which comes down to health.. Or they have mild autism/aspergers.

Sup Phyl

Active member
I'm sorry for what you're going through but I can assure you you are not alone. What I have fits AvPD more than SA, but I didn't look on it as a bad thing. When I experienced symptoms which are not typically inherent in SA I became really worried but finding they are actually suited to AvPD made me feel relieved! I knew then that there was a reason why I have these certain experiences, and everything I think and do suddenly made so much sense. Yes AvPD isn't nice to have, but it's better knowing you have it than spending your life wondering what's wrong with you. Now you can start to get better. Don't look on this realisation as a bad thing, because it really doesn't have to be. Don't give up, we are here for you. :)
I feel like an outcast among outcast ....

I think i fit the avoidant personality disorder more than social anxiety... i dont know what the differences are but it makes me feel even more inferior knowing that i have a special form of anxiety thats worse than social anxiety and it really makes me think about giving up i just need some support like.. is avoidant personality different from social anxiety? It seems like most people have social anxiety and now i feel left out like u guys wont be able to relate to me or i feel like im exta Fukked UP WHILE U GUYS ARE JUST moderately messed up smh

I always wondered why my friends with social anxiety could function more than i could

Worse, shmerse. If you have AvP you already are experiencing however much trouble it gives you. Forget extra FUp. Yes there are more things to deal with, but that doesn't mean it can't be done.

Good luck and please stick around.