Please help?


Well-known member
Ok, so I am even tired of fearing what people may feel about me on this site, so I am just going to say what is on my mind: nobody is responding to any of my post... is it that I come of as a completely pretentious wierdo? I need to restart my life and I need real friends... I feel tired and I feel like I am getting old and all hope is running out. I've tried and tried to overcome SAD, and whenever I seem to make progress and maybe have made a new friend or new lover I get shot down without much of an explanation. In turn my self esteem plumets and I take several steps back. I know most people, especially people who can't relate, would tell me to be 'a man', give myself a pat on the ass and not take it personally- to just keep going. I know I shouldn't take it hard and I should be responsible and rational, but it is very hard sometimes to keep going. Sometimes I feel that it would be easier to just be a hermit. Maybe that is my life's calling. Yes, yes- our life is what we make it, to a degree anyways. But, I would love to not feel alone in this thing and have some people respond to my posts. Please help?


Active member
Hmm, yeah sometimes I want to be a hermit. I've actually had fantasies of moving out of my parents house and going off into the wilderness to live in a cave. I sometimes think life would be easier if I lived in a tribe in a foreign country where my job would be to hunt for food or farm. I feel totally intimidated by civilization and getting jobs and doing basically anything normal people do. Right now I'm unemployed because I quit a job that I felt was trapping me. I was in an easy low paying job where my skills were valued. It didn't pay enough for me to move out of my house so i decided I'd quit. I wasn't expecting it to bring back the feelings I had before working there two years ago. I immediately felt overwhelmed by uncertainty and depression. Now the only comfort I have is that this psychiatrist I'll see next week will help me with some sort of medication. I'm actually afraid they'll not find anything wrong with me and I'll continue to feel like shit.


Well-known member
Well thats it then...I'm going to open a native american style camp and have nothing but socialphobes living there. Ohhh now thats my dream. living off the land, taking only what ya need and looking out for your tribe members....damn they got it right didnt they!!!


Well-known member
Wistful: You aren't being ignored... this is just a VERY slow forum. If you crave more feedback more quickly, pop over the the newly-reopened SAS at (It just moved servers, so the archive is very small.... GBs of posts got deleted :( ). I spend WAY too much time over there. ;)


Active member
Of answering posts


To add a personal experience as a newcomer here, I can say that the three posts that I wrote a few days ago, two have been utterly ignored.
As to the third one, that was meant as serious, got a mocking one-liner as a reply.

None of the above can be explained by slowness of the site, nor (that I know of) by anything out of order from my part. A more likely guess is that nobody (among those who have read them) deemed them worthy of an actual answer.

OTOH, this is a large forum and as such might not be so predictable.
It is a large set of individuals, and you can't immediately figure out how they differ from each other.

Perhaps those who could have appreciated your message and given good
feedback didn't read it or had no time to answer. We often pay importance to our actions or those of others and forget how sheer luck as so much power in human events.

This is why I don't think it appropriate to be discouraged by a tiny amount of unsuccessful attempts. Just go ahead with your postings, and you'll eventually get some good answers (or at the least, better than this one).


Well-known member
welcome wistful! Hope you find this site helpful......

Jordon, dont be so sensitive, people dont try to offend, some people like to read rather than post. Some people dont have anyting to say or cant put it into words. Ive also read post where advice was not taken the way it was like I said, dont take everything so personally, roll with the punches and relax a little. Were all here to get advice and read each others experiences, but just because no one replies doesnt mean they dont care what you posted......