Project 2remove suffering from hyperhidrosis. No medication

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Hi. I am an ex-sufferer of hyperhidrosis.
When I say I am a hyperhidrosis ex-sufferer I mean that in the sense that I have no shame about sweat. As a result of this, my excessive sweating completely disappeared because I realised it was a bit of an anxiety thing for me and not a physical thing. I lost the suffering because I gained control of the anxiety. I became an ex suffer in June this year and before that I had spent my whole life since primary school extremely constrained by hyperhidrosis. I was diagnosed by 2 GPs and one dermatologist as having excessive sweating because of physical causes. I am the proof that doctors don’t always know what they talk about and you don’t need to be constrained. Love your life!! I can help you to do that and it is my absolutely most heartfelt pleasure to do so. By letting me help you, you are giving me and unbelievable gift and the great thing for you is that by giving me that gift, I will be giving you an unbelievable, unprecedented gift for your life.

To do this I have created a project and I have lots of people holding me account and coaching me to getting this project done so you can rely on me=). In this project, I am going to have support groups developed in different geographical areas. In each support group there will be around 4-6 sufferers with a group leader who is an ex-sufferer (remember, for me, the word ‘suffer’ of hyperhidrosis is just meaning someone who has suffering because of it. With this in mind, an ex-suffer can still sweat excessively but they will have no suffering because of it.). The groups will meet physically up at least once a week and have contact between those times. At the end of the project there will be a big event to celebrate where everyone is at and their openings to having new and great lives away from this suffering. At the moment there is only plans for this project to be in Western Australia, but if you have hopes for it to be somewhere else, email me and I’ll be sure to take it into consideration.

I have not got a starting date for this project yet, but it will be soon. My aim is to have 200 sufferers participate so please be generous with getting into my project. My aim at the moment is for this all to be completely free of charge; however, there may be a slim chance that donations may be needed (for the end event). The group leaders will not be payed in money but I believe that they will get a lot out of being the ones who help the people in their groups live their lives free from this extreme suffering I have seen around. If you would like to be one of my group leaders, please contact me. You don’t have to even think that you will be good at it. If you want to be a group leader and are fairly close to not suffering due to hyperhidrosis, I would like to hear from you too. I think that you will do the job fine and I think the leadership position will give you closure from the suffering. For those of you who doubt yourselves, I promise that when you take the leap to confront your worries for a small amount of time for the lives of others to absolutely transform, you will know yourself as a completely different person. You will have such richness in your lives by helping out. I can not do this on my own. I need leaders. Help me make this difference.

I have not got a date confirmed for this project but I want to get it started as soon as possible. All I need to get it started is people to participate. After that I can give you a date.

If there are any questions or interests in getting involved in any way at all (including ways I have not mentioned yet or even thought of), please contact me through my email address: [email protected] . This email address is only used for a way for people to get in contact with me about my project and the postings I put on forums regarding my project. I have a separate one for my personal emails. This means: fill it up!

Thanks guys for reading my posting and I look forward to getting some feedback.
From ucanbeanexsufferer2
new information about project

Hey guys,
Just letting you know that I need to have all of the groups established by Saturday 10am on the 27th of October (Western Australan time) so if you want in you need to jump in fast.
Again, if there are any queries, doubts etc don't hesitate to email me.
From ucanbanexsufferer2
i need a group leader and a participant by tomorrow

Look guys,
I still need more people. I sware to God… start living your lives (I mean fully: I know you are already great people who are well liked and you like your life to a certain extent but... Have you ever considered feeling comfortable shaking hands and giving hi fives to friends, walking up to and holding the hand of the guy/girl you like without being afraid it will put them off? Do you ever feel jealous of those who have those sorts of things? I certainly did feel jealous: but not any more because I have all of those things and more). I am only young: 18 but before I recovered from HH in around June, I was suffering for about 8 years. I had it on my hands and feet and sometimes underarms. I am glad I took on the stuff I did at this age but for those who are older, like I have been reading, I would love to have you on board as well. The only time you have is now so why not just live it up before you die. Even come if you have done ETS already, this is for anyone who has any sort of excessive sweating. This project I am talking about is for hyperhidrosis sufferers on any part of their body. I myself was considering ETS. I was on iontophosphoresis for about 6 months and I also tried a bunch of other treatments. I considered botox too. I am dead seriously over my condition. I have a life that I am absolutely crazy about with a long term boyfriend that I adore. All of this came up when I got over my condition. How I got over my condition was facing my fears and realising it was all just anxiety pent up inside of me. I have read some of your stories. You go and get ETS for your hands and feet or whatever and then you start sweating elsewhere. You can either live quite probably the only life you have suffering or you can take a leap of faith and get into contact with me. I know this would sound insane but I am seriously just getting upset now cos no one has gotten back to me from here: have you ever considered that anxiety has anything to do with it?? If it isn't caused by anxiety like mine was, then wouldn't it be good to lose that anxiety anyway, and have: 'no shame about sweat'. Then what would you be left with in that space? Nothing: so that you can just live your god damn lives the way you want to. My program is called ‘no sweat’ because I am out there to remove the bad connotations we have about sweat. Look I am being the person I wished I could have back when I was in your situations. So you can either read what I have to say (I know people have been reading my posts without replying) with a sceptical eye going "oh... no that can't happen" or "Who is that goof". Well I am and my life is living proof that I know what I am talking about. I know how to help you guys. It will be a mixture of listening to individal feedback (because it is about you and your lives) and all the things I know about how I got over my condition. I can give you the same freedom I got in June at the beginning of this year. Just jump on board with my project. You don't even know enough to know what it is about yet and you are already disregarding it (how do I know: No replies). If you aren't able to participate then could you please at least get back to me so I can answer your questions. I am not doing this for me. As if. I am doing it for you guys cos I have found cool ways for you not to suffer. I am very passionate about lighting up the lives of others. I look around and see all the lives I light up around me everyday. I am going to be a primary school teacher and do this every day of my life too. I want to do this on a broader scale too though. I don't care if you are a stranger. There is no such thing as a stranger to me. We are all people and go through very similar things when we get down to it. Let me light up your life.

Now are you going to take my help and make it worthwhile or not? YES!! I am talking to you!! (if you were thinking otherwise). Be there for yourself and your friends and family. At least ask me some questions about how I got to be how I am now?? Nope it was nothing to do with surgery, botox, iontophosphoresis, hypnotism, psychologists or anything medical. There is no mystery, I just confronted my fears, anxieties and got a whole lot of support (for which I am eternally grateful). The thing is that I had to confront my fears and anxieties to reach out for this support (ah.. it meant telling my friends, family, boyfriends, strangers around me at times I was feeling bad: COMPLETELY against the grain of what I was used to doing (hiding it away)). I’m glad I did. I know that considering doing my project is not an easy thing, it takes a lot of courage. I am just so pressing on this matter because I know what a profound difference being in my project or even understanding how I got to where I am now can have on your lives. I don’t like knowing that you guys are suffering, especially when I KNOW that it doesn’t have to be that way.

Ok... I have to have all of the groups organised with meet up times and confirmed by the LATEST: 27th of October 2007. The following week is when the groups will first meet up. I also need at least one group leader registered and one participant registered by tomorrow (October 15 2007).
The aim is for the program to go for 7 weeks. You will be amazed at what is possible. The feel of my project will be everyone being open (as in: nothing to hide, open in communication), happy, whole (lacking nothing) and completeness (feeling great and perfect) for everyone. Pretty cool huh?

Please email me with all of your questions and feedback. Don't worry if they are negative. I like those ones too. I probably even like them best because they are so open and honest. If you don't say how you feel or ask questions, nothing gets resolved. Don't worry, I am not some telecommunicator (lol, some of them have no idea what they are doing). I am doing this for you. If you get into contact with me through my email, I can then give you my phone number etc if I feel it is appropriate. I just didn't want to give any of that in an open forum. Even if you can't participate in my program, I would love your feedback. If anyone wishes to assist in any way, they do not necessarily have to be there for the whole thing.

I will be checking my emails every couple of hours in hope of getting some feedback.

From Nicola :)


Well-known member
Re: i need a group leader and a participant by tomorrow

ucanbanexsufferer2 said:
Look guys,
I still need more people. I sware to God… start living your lives (I mean fully: I know you are already great people who are well liked and you like your life to a certain extent but...
From Nicola :)

Geez you are bloody persistent.
"start living your lives" is a real put off sweetie.
Maybe if you go through the proper channels you might get the number of people you need to complete your project.

Yeah that could land the wrong way and I apologise about that because I did not mean it as a put off, I meant it as something inviting.
What was meant to come accros was: Like (if you have HH) do you ever wish for that? A life for just being with all the occassions and not worrying about sweating and all the worries which go along with it.

I'm sorry that I came accross as really persistant. I spose I am, I think its all a part of failing to find other ways to get things done. I talk too much too I find. Thanks for the feadback because all I really came onto this forum for is to give the people who visit this forum the oppurtunity to be a part of the program I am running with a good taste of what it offers.

Yeah, the plan is to go onto the media so it's all good with the number of people. There is room but I am confident that I'll get enough. There has been a change of schedule. The times aren't so urgent any more.