

Well-known member
dave1976 said:
hiding does not work

You are right of course - the only way to overcome a fear is to face it.
But good goddess it is hard - the only reason i have never had a panic attack is because of my avoidant tendancies. But then even though i feel a sense of relief at not facing what i fear, i still get this sinking feeling for being a complete fucking coward and i know that i have just made things more difficult for myself in the long run.


Well-known member
Hiding would work just may not help your depression(if you have it...I guess I just assume everyone with SA is depressed because I am) but at least you wouldn't have to worry about social situations if you could just hide forever...but unfortunately most of us cant do that :(


Well-known member
we should all head into the jungle and start our own village! then everybody can get a hut where he can hide in :D and for those who want to face their fears, they can go play hide-and-seek


Well-known member
Joszax wrote:

That, and also being heavily medicated while doing it...

at least in my case :-S

Yeah, this drug free state i am currently enduring is doing me no good. I am going to get back on the wagon again soon - i need to balance out my haywire chemicals.


Well-known member
Hiding has been my best strategy since I was a toddler. It explains why I have always been good at hide - and - go - seek. :lol: However, there were times when I was brave enough to be around other people such as the kids in my neighborhood in my early childhood. My best friend was one of these neighorhood kids and the nicest person I ever met. So, hiding is always a good option, but someday we have face our fears and learn how to become brave in the face of fear. I heard that courage must be taught through fear and nothing else can teach us how to be brave or we may never learn to take risks and face our SP fears. :)


Active member
If a person can be alone and be happy then there is no reason to label him or her as having a disease. However, obviously we are all here because this lack of social connection is causing significant distress. By hiding we are destroying ourselves emotionally. It may not seem so, and it may even be preferable to that of going outside and risking what we perceive to be a far worse fate. By staying inside you will torture yourself the same, except it will be a slow and painful emotional death as opposed to a quick one. And perhaps if you were to step outside, you would actually get better even if it is, initially, a painful experience.


Well-known member
hiding is my favorite pastime 8) I drink frappuchinos and dance to merengue/salsa while hiding. its impressive..if i wasn 't hiding u should see it.


New member
dragonfroggy said:
I prefer hiding. I don't like causing myself unecessary torture.

Sure if you think that overcoming your fear and changing yourself is unnecessary torture then you won't be able to put yourself out there and do it. I like to think of it as an adventure and that can be fun, especially when you make progress and start enjoying life. Anyways isn't what you are doing now unnecessary torture? I personally can't live a shy life any longer. I tortured myself way too long; I've missed out on too many things in my life that have brought me tremendous pain. You are already going through pain so why don't you go through pain in a constructive way?


Well-known member
sometimes hiding from the problems do you good, it is like you are in a football match, if you are playing really wrong... the better thing to do is to go out from the game... relax a bit, admit that you are sucking at the moment... but still dont hate your self about it. think about the problem, and find a soution to be the best next time you enter in ground.

and next time you hide from a problem make a favour to your self and stop saying "i'm a loser" instead be positive so you can act positive and say "better days will come" :wink: