relaxation tapes

Just wondered whether anybody here knows of any audio books, CDs etc. to help with relaxation. I'm feeling stressed out a lot at the moment and it would be nice to have something to wind down to, or use to calm me before doing anything stressful. Any help appreciated :)


Well-known member
I love Enya- not cool but I don't care! Chewing_the_fat, I have this double CD called "The Journey" by Brandon Bays, and she has this really relaxing 30 minute meditation on it, it sends me to sleep everytime! It goes with an accompanying book of the same name, but I didn't bother buying it!
I like listening to meditations, so relaxing xx


Well-known member
Once I listened to this tape of this musical stuff that was supposed to be "relaxing," most annoying and repetitive thing I'd ever heaqrd. :roll:


Active member
I have used relaxation CDs in the past and they do help. I find the ones that take you through complete relaxation from head to toe work best, listening to Whales or Dolphins just doesn't do it for me.
