Robinul (Avert) users can you still work out safely with the drug?


Active member
If you are on 2 milligrams and then go jogging for 15 or 20 minutes are you still able to sweat? I am kind of concerned.


Well-known member
Yeah it's a Catch-22. I take Avert before my workout class, and perspire a very little. Always wonder if I shouldn't do without, but I can't stand the idea of returning to drowning in sweat.

Not sure mine is the best approach, so you just have to choose for yourself.


Well-known member
Hi there,

Although I unfortunately have no personal experience...I think it should be ok. As you might be aware the body has 2 types of sweat glands, eccrine and apocrine.

The problem with HH is with the eccrine glands; these are located all over the body, but mostly concentrated in palms, feet..etc, the common places where HH occurs. These eccrine glands are regulated by acetylcholine, the substance that is blocked by glyco (=robinul/avert).

However...the apocrine glands are regulated by norepinefrine (noradrenalin), which is unaffected by glyco. So basically, these should work no matter how much glyco you take (obviously taking too much is a bad idea for different reasons).

Moreover; the general understanding is that eccrine glands primarily secrete sweat in reaction to 'emotional stimuli' and apocrine glands are more responsible for thermoregulation...

So that would be good news in terms of being able to sport; however...glyco has been known to raise BP a bit etc, so it's always good to be careful...

Heatstroke I think is more of an issue with ETS, since bot types of sweating are ultimately regulated by the sympathetic nerve, so when it's cut you loose the ability (in the area affected) to have both endocrine AND apocrine sweating.


Well-known member
Actually, robinul/advert often stops perspiration entirely, so exercising (especially in heat), can be dangerous.