ROOM 101


Well-known member
hi all, i don't know if u've ever heard of "room 101" but it's a programme here in england, where famous ppl consign things they detest/hate/abhor to a place where they will neva again surface! woohoo! i wondered what u guys would put in? i'd go for animal cruelty, homophobia, violence, sprouts (urgh) cricket (zzzzzzzzz) ooops cant think of anymore yet...but will return! :)


Racism, poverty, heroin&crack, mental illnesses... could go on and on...

Oh and crap manufactured pop music! :evil:


Well-known member

Craig from UK big brother.


Anything Burberry or whatever that ugly pattern is called.


Road rage because its dangerous when angry people get behind the wheel of a large heap of moving metal. Just stupid.

And last but not least, something I couldn't find a repulsive enough picture of to do it justice:

Annoying shop assistants.


Well-known member
oooh hate crimes....war....bullying...downgrading the helpless....animal cruelty....films with really great ideas but bad acting and directing(grrr), i wouldnt mind if paper wasnt been wasted but we kind of need trees to breathe.... hello?

did i go over the top there a bit? hmm never mind.


Well-known member
"Terrorism, inequality between the sexes, hate crimes, sex offenders"

I agree with those 100%

People who say "it's a beautiful day outside!" when you're in a bad mood
People who try to convert me to their religion (I have no problem with people who are religious, or who say how religion has helped them, or even suggest that I should try it, but people who are like "you must be my religion or you will be sent to hell" really bother me)
People who try to modify their cheap cars but it ends up looking stupid and they think it's cool
Rich, annoying shopowners who kick you out of stores for no good reason
People who lie about a huge tragedy just so they can weave you into their problems that don't exist

haha I'm afraid some of those are a bit personal :p

edit: oh and animal cruelty too! I'm a vegetarian, and I hate to say it but I wish I wasn't because it makes me feel different... I just want to blend in


Active member
i like your choices black mamba, im gunna go one more and say big brother in general...well cheap reality TV really, self absorbed people, summer, ipods, interviews, maths, phone waiting line music (its never anything good) oh and not forgeting sp.

grumblina, how could you put golf in room 101? 8O now what am i going to do on wednesday? lol


Active member
Deceit, politics, tuna, cruelty to self.

regarding room 101, Big Brother, "We shall meet in the place where there is no darkness."


Well-known member
paul wrote:

People who try to convert me to their religion (I have no problem with people who are religious, or who say how religion has helped them, or even suggest that I should try it, but people who are like "you must be my religion or you will be sent to hell" really bother me)

Me too!
Furthermore - rip off mechanics.
All reality tv - what on earth did we do to deserve it!
B grade trash movies.
People who can't sing but have released an album anyway - along with the people who signed them.
All KKK members and their skinhead - neo nazi counterparts.
All disease including mental diseases.


Well-known member
...and ppl who have loud annoying ring tones GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR, i also do not want to hear ur mundane conversation "i'm on the train.." etc shut it!


Well-known member
Child abusers, neglegent parents, car jackers, shoplifters, road rage drivers, whoever is keeping the price of gasoline so high, bullies, and people who think that social phobia/anxiety is a joke.