rough drafts before posting?


Well-known member
Jus’ wonderin’, does anyone else write out their posts in word before posting them on here? Double-checking multiple times before submitting?

Lol, this will be really embarrassing if I’m the only one!!! :oops:


Well-known member
erm no, i dont even check mine after i typed em so ther alwasy got spelling mistakes an stuff. It gud that u write them out coz it mwans u care! :eek:

rick xx


Well-known member
yes i do it in wordpad because i lost a few posts with lots of words! before so not anymore

besides that, no i do not double check my post, i just check if i get across right what i want to say


Well-known member
No I dont write them out either as i'll be forever sat here changing it and rearranging it. So I just let it flow here and be done with it.


Well-known member
I never write my posts down first, just type in what i think although sometimes I post something and about 1/2 an hour later I realise that I should have worded it differently, or I forgot to say something so I come back and edit it.


Well-known member
I did do once or twice. I wish could just get stuff down and post with gay abandon but I usually spend ages going over and over, deleting, editing etc etc. I've given up now with long posts. Though this was ok :)


Well-known member
I certainly go over my posts before I submit them even when I'm drunk!

It seems kind of pointless to do so because it's not as if people can identify you from them, but that's social phobia for you...


Well-known member
posts and there wording say alot about you..

i dont do the double checking thing..i cant be bothered tbh..

do people find that they can just identify people by their writing style? i do that.
Years ago when the internet was new, I was concerned about PGP/encryption and what I wrote. Now I could care less. Pretty much after 20+ years of Social Anxiety Disorder I've got nothing left to lose.


Well-known member
I go over and over posts I write. Often I click "post reply" and then disconnect from the internet so I can spend plenty of time working on my post. Then half the time I decide that what I'm writing is not worth posting or not ready and delete it (although I keep it in a big long Word document in case I want to finish it later). Other times I start out writing a post in Word and work on it first before I go to the forum.

Good spelling and grammar as well as clear expression are important to me. I'm a bit pedantic and care about the correct use of the apostrophe, among other things.

I'm also constantly anxious I might offend someone and always need to be sure I considered the possibility of someone misinterpreting my post.

It makes me a little slow but precise writing is useful in my job and I'm useful at editing things.


Well-known member
Yay! I’m not the only one! *high fives nightshade*

Yea, for me it’s the being misinterpreted part that I hate. Being misunderstood is such a mega part of my life. Not only does everybody (bar my mum) misunderstand me, but I also have this unexplainable urge to capture and convey exactly how I feel. I guess that’s part of my job too.
Even when I spend hours checking that my post is as honest as possible and captures how I feel as accurately as possible, sometimes I still manage to come across wrong.
I hate that. When I mean good, but someone misinterprets for something bad, like arrogance or ignorance, and I’m like, noooo, I didn’t mean that….I hate that.


Well-known member
I spent almost ten minutes typing up my thread. :oops:

Since posting on message boards, I've found notepad to be a very useful tool.