SA and smoking dope


Well-known member
dan246 said:
On one hand, it's a very social drug and you often meet people by smoking with them. On the other hand, it can often amplify the symptoms of SA. I had been smoking for 5 years on a daily basis. Then one time I got blazed and had a very intense panic attack (not related to SA). Haven't touched it since. I miss it bad. Remus is right. Don't smoke too much. The last couple of years I was high all the time. It messes with your head.

I agree with what you been saying, i have experence with dope that it makes me very edgy and i would get the feeling pepole are talking about me and looking at me all the time.

Ps I found with smoking dope it did completly mess my head up, i steer clear from dope now. My mates smoke dope, i just learn to say no and how it makes me worse.


Well-known member
i wouldnt recommend smoking it. ive only really enjoyed it when ive been on my own. i dont think it makes me more sociable. i also think its important to be healthy, one day your life may depend on how healthy your heart and lungs are. if your going to take it try eating it

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Well-known member
When I did smoke weed it definitly made me worse... I would start thinking way too much and wouldn't know what to do or how to act.... having to interact with other people while high was thee worst. I can still rememeber a time when I went to school high, heh, it was just plain weird.


Well-known member
I smoked quite a bit through highschool, and it made my SA so much worse. One summer I lived out in the country but worked, so almost every night I would smoke. I had very little social interaction that whole summer, and it messed me right up. I thought the whole world was out to get me.
However, I loved sitting there watching TV and linking things together. It's hard to describe, but I would link things together, like this happens because of that, and this because of that, and so on till I had this big chain in my head, then I would forget it all when I saw something new hehe.

The thing that scares me the most with SA is how my voice sounds, and weed amplifiies your effects, so whenever I was stoned I would completely shut up.


dan246 said:
On one hand, it's a very social drug and you often meet people by smoking with them. On the other hand, it can often amplify the symptoms of SA. I had been smoking for 5 years on a daily basis. Then one time I got blazed and had a very intense panic attack (not related to SA). Haven't touched it since. I miss it bad. Remus is right. Don't smoke too much. The last couple of years I was high all the time. It messes with your head.

me too. i miss mary jane :roll:


Well-known member
I just got this from another forum, its educational although of doubtful use;

" depends on the marijuana you smoke

some marijuana (more towards the sativa strain) will make you paranoid, where as a pure indica (which is what i use) will calm you right down and makes me not care about what anyone thinks of me. it has honestly been a life changing experience for me. but i am not encouraging the use of marijuana, but if you plan to use it, get something that is almost 100% Indica. that will give you alot less paranoia".

And that is todays lesson in horticulture :!: By the way, the word indica means that this plant species originated in India.


Staff member
I'm sorry but thats wrong, it probably has a low dose of THC so therefore dosnt affect you as badly if you are a habitual user.

The only best way to smoke weed is in moderation if you are going to smoke it, if you sit there spliff after spliff you are going to become para no matter what weed you are smoking eventually.

its like anything in excess, if you drank like that you would have problems!

smoke once a week as a treat or something and not too much.

Take it from one ex-habitual user


Well-known member
..maybe im odd but ive never had the slightest inclination to even touch the stuff, just like ive never wanted to smoke.
alcohol yeh, couldnt manage withuot it..
but never had any feeling of wanting to try weed


New member
hi, newbie here, maybe i shouldve picked paranoid pothead as my name! but it made me paranoid when i was on it, i quit it, i eventually dropped friends, stopped going over.infamous for causing paranoia, i think its called organic delusion syndrome, if it wears off. you have really nothing to be paranoid about & it makes you phobic you do but i am that way off it 2.but on it i was worse. i have been bullied too, so i have always had a complex 2. i would be on it & people would f@$# with my head and laugh. but it wasn't all the time. i guess in the beginning it was funny, but some were mean when they were drunk or pms-ish, and catty girl [email protected] made up lies and her friends repeated it made me more paranoid and then it was worse. i think that her byfrd liked me & broke up w/ her made her mad tho i didnt like him back but i did hang out w/ him so i had more stuff going on.try hypnosis i guess, a good 1.good luck


caffine etc

im interested in what was asked about nictine and caffine,
anyone know about them and anxiety?

surely more.

what about pot and alchol?

i get high most nights, dont think it helps, but haven't noticed a freedom of anxiety without, just less i suppose