should I ring?


Well-known member
I have this 'friend' who I am trying to not spend too much time with because she is quite nasty. It is her birthday today and she rang me on my birthday and bought me a present ect. Anyway I feel that I should ring her because she rang me and I dont want to fall out with her completely because it could cause trouble with other members of the group. I feel as though to keep the peace I should call and say 'Happy Birthday' but I am dreading having to talk to her because as I said she can be very nasty. At the moment I am thinking I will ring her say "Happy Birthday" , chat for about 5 mins only (she talks a lot) and say I'm really busy I have to go, then duty fulfilled. If she is rude I will use grumblinas advice from another board and point out to her she is being rude, or should I just cop it cause its her b'day?. I dont know, any advice on what I should do?.


Well-known member
I think it's better to call her..cause whenn you call her she has no reason to be rude at you..and you said she also called you on your birthday, so i think it's good thing to do. And whenn she IS rude to you whenn you call her, she has absolutely no reason to be rude to you, and then it is her problem that she is rude and not yours,so srew her if she's rude to you.. 8)


Well-known member
I agree with the others, give her a call and wish her a Happy Birthday and hopefully she won't be rude. If she is, well that is her problem - but you would think being her birthday that she would appreciate a call and be civil.

Good luck!

annie :)


Well-known member
I would ring her and wish her a happy birthday. It's a nice gesture and if she is rude then cut the call short. You can tell her you have to go and to have a nice day.


Well-known member
Thanks guys!. I ended up ringing and I got the answering machine so I left a message saying "happy birthday and I hope you had a great day". I got out of that one easily! :)