Situational AvPD?


Well-known member
I never even knew about this before I came to this forum, so I'm not sure if this is entirely right, but I thought of something recently....

I don't spend my life fearing criticism. I look all the time for something that shows that people like or respect me. I don't overreact to criticism except from my parents, but I don't get it much from anyone else.

But. I write stories for fun, and I cannot let someone read them without panicking. I'm afraid they won't like it. They'll think it's stupid or something. I can't sit and watch them read it, partly because I don't want to see their reactions. I know that the best thing I can get to make me better is criticism, but I get extreme anxiety when these times come up... I almost cry... I panic if they're spending a while thinking silently and I have time to think of what they might say...

So is this kind of like AvPD? Does anyone get it in specific situations?


Well-known member
I don't think this is AvPD. It sounds more like social phobia which is triggered only by certain situations. It might also be self-esteem related.