so.. what do you all do in your spare time?


Well-known member
sorry if this has been asked before.. heh.

i mean, i hope you don't just rot in front of you television.. i've gotten sick of my hobbies and i have resorted to watching tv in the evenings lately. i used to say that i hate tv.. but i don't mind style network or comedy central sometimes. i'm sick, jeez. i need to at least try to laugh sometimes. but yeah, as i was saying; i try not to let television become a crazy addiction or anything.

i like to download japanese music. i don't know japanese but some japanese musicians have english lyrics. i have studied a little japanese but i lost interest. it's too complex. haha. i can still enjoy the music.. it relaxes me or makes me happier most often. if any of you would like, download soulseek ( and find me, same name, "aoao". you can download music from me, talk to me about social disorders, or both. i don't mean to sound like i'm advertising for something, it was just an idea to give people something to do :eek: but yeah. i've been into japanese music for over two years now. my mp3 player is flourishing with eccentric music. my new favorite is aya - baghdad sky. *hint* awesome cd. aya is kind of scary looking but she makes really good music. hahaha.

listening to japanese music tends to make me talkative (which is AMAZING) or it makes me really artistic. it's doing a little bit of both right now, seeing as how i'm writing this big post and i'm about to manipulate an image with photoshop.

anyway, yeah. that's one of my other hobbies, being artistic. i like to sew, alter clothes, i like to spraypaint words on clothing with stencil letters, i like to melt records in the oven and form them into bowls or melt toothbrushes into bracelets, i used to be more into drawing and painting but mostly i like to do more obscure artistic things now. i don't remember how hot to set the oven for melting records, i wouldn't recommend it to people anyway. you have to be very careful.

i like to dance, i saw the band ADULT. in toronto in may and i danced my ass off! oh, i felt amazing. on that vacation, i pretended not to have a social disorder. haha. i smoked lots of weed though. i always used to smoke weed as something to help me socialize more, but in the end, i believe that weed caused this altogether. i've smoked weed for five years. i quit a few months ago and i'll never go back to it. next step: seeking medical attention

i love travelling abroad, i've been to 7 countries. england, scotland, ireland, wales, mexico, costa rica, and canada in that order. such interesting experiences. i got an ohm symbol tattoo in costa rica. hehe

i love cats. we got rid of my kitty recently because he was getting old and he was a slob and our house is much cleaner now. i feel bad for him :( i hope he found a new home.. but i try not to think about that too much.

i excell in english, i got an A- in college english this summer. i was so happy. i think i need to conquer my social disorder before i finish college if i want to live up to my potential. i cannot waste $8,000 on college to get poor grades... and i have a feeling i'd get poor grades if i'm like this. i'm an intelligent person, i just don't act like it. when i talk i say such stupid things. i studder, my voice gets shakey and i sound nervous.. i can't be like that in college. i hate that.. you finally get out a few thoughts and then you still wish you wouldn't have said anything because people can tell that you're weird.

i'm gay. i'm feminine. it doesn't help at ALL. i always got made fun of for it, and now i can get made fun of for being gay AND having a social disorder. i feel like such a minority. i'm not your stereotypical femmy gay either, i don't get into gay shows or anything like that. i'm just.. gay. and out there. i used to consider myself out of the closet but i'm so quiet now. i guess it's obvious anyway.

umm.. that's all for now i guess. tell me what you're into! 8)


Well-known member
Wow, what an intro! Welcome to the forums aoao (how am I supposed to pronounce that?) :p

So you're into arts and crafts, then you must be a regular visiter, non? I love that site, it really inspires me but I have too many other hobbies to have the time to modify my own clothes. The next mildy arty thing I wanna do is make a severed arm out of cake, strawberry laces, red fruit juice and almonds(fingernails!) Freaky huh? I'm gonna make it look really gory then eat it!

Whats the significance of the ohm symbol? Oh, ok I geddit, resistance as in, some kind of mental/physical strength? 8O Correct me if I'm wrong, that is kinda cool though, I've seen some other mathematical/science inspired tattoos and they're always eye-catching. Hmm how about some gears painted on my arms? *jots idea down*

As for my other hobbies, I draw a bit, I love reading non-fiction books, I like exploration (so anything from woodlands to a lake to the beach to a crumbly old abandoned factory)...and my other main passion is machines. I love them (mechanical ones anyway) and I ride a motorbike (a small one, taking my full test next week!) Woohoo.

I'm really impressed by your travelling aoao - SP aside, its a great experience to have. Personally I wouldn't be able to cope, but there are a few countries I'd love to visit; mexico & japan for certain. Japan looks insane though, ever considered going there? :p


Well-known member
Whoa. You sound really interesting. In my spare time, I listen to Japanese music (I'm addicted to Dir en grey and Gackt at the moment) and watch anime and japanese movies, horror movies, and stuff like that. And design and make clothes. And draw.
And I'm also trying to learn Japanese. I don't think it's complicated, it's just very different to what I'm used to. But there are only two tenses, no pronouns necessary, etc. I really enjoy it. I want to go to Japan some day (actually I wanna win the lottery so I can just live there) and go shopping. I also want to go to an animation school, but it doesn't seem too likely.
I have an addictive personality, so while I'm obsessed with stuff, I don't really get bored enough to sit around watching TV, unless I'm doing something else at the same time.
Anyway, welcome to the board, and I hope you enjoy your stay. :)


Well-known member
ummm im pretty boring compared....
i lissen to music hours at a time - really into grunge n rock (nirvana,smashing pumpkins,radiohead) - i collect their vinyls.

i have a jagstang guitar and started TRYING to play about a month ago.
i love going to gigs - saw garbage n billy corgan live last month.. festivals to me is the best thing ever.

reading is always a good time waster, at the moment im reading "sybil" about a girl who has 16 different personalities.
im not really into tv - only family guy, south park and afew english comedys.

i would love to travel - im hopeing im going to rome on my birthday but we will see.

oh n alcohol is god :D

sorry that was really badly worded :?


Active member
In my spare time, I gave up doing anything, because in the end I was always alone.
In the past years, I loved to play guitar, and I was very fond of it.
But I was always playing alone at home.
I like biking as well, but the same problem is here, I am always doing it alone.
Doing things alone, eventually everything becomes annoying.

Now I spend time on internet, writing in forums, at least I do not feel so alone. I get replies and I can discuss many thing that I will never have the chance to discuss in real life.


I am ashamed to say it, but apart from wasting time surfing the net; I actually do pretty much nothing. This depresses the hell out of me, but I just can't seem to motivate myself these days. I realise that if I don't snap out of this soon I will be old and will have accomplished less than nothing in my life.

I too am an artistic person; I loved to draw, but it all seems like such hard work to me these days. Perhaps lack of motivation and tiredness is something to do with my anxiety and depression.

So, there it is in a nutshell, I almost literally do nothing.


I dont rot infront of the tv, i cant stand watching tv to be honest, but i probaly do spend too much time sat in front of my computer :oops:

If im not sat at my computer kicking ass on computer games,im probaly drawing mainly designing tattoos which i love to do as it relaxes me, umm i work out quite a bit and read the odd book now and again.

Thats about it really, nothing too exciting :?


Well-known member
i've never heard of maybe i should check it out though.. hahaha a severed arm cake, now that's creative. i remember one year, my mom made a birthday cake and it was a bunny with a plastic pig nose. haha. it was rather demented looking. your cake idea just reminded me of it.

my nickname is aoao because people on soulseek always call me that.. it used to be aozora, which means blue sky. people shortened it by calling me zora or aoao, and i left it at that. i don't pronounce it the japanese way, long A sound. very silly, i know. i don't like to spend too much time worrying about what to make my screennames. my real name is tyler.

the om symbol really has no significance. i don't look into its meaning too deeply, i just thought it looked cute. heh. it's trendy, i see them all the time. i didn't see one before i got the tattoo though. i was always intrigued by buddhism. haven't studied it for ages though.

and yes, thank you. i really enjoyed travelling abroad. i feel very fortunate to have gotten to go so many places at such a young age, and to have a social disorder on top of it. i would love to go to japan as well. i think that if i wanted to thoroughly soak up everything, i would want to study japanese again a bit. i like japanese music, and if i went there and saw japanese bands performing, i would want to understand the meaning of the music at least somewhat. i can sing in japanese but i have no idea what it means.

btw, i hear that rent for apartments on the outskirts of tokyo are relatively cheap. $300/month or so. i know this only from talking to so many japanese music buffs.

and yes, i can relate to you guys. lately, i've become more of a person who congregates in chat rooms and forums. i love having such unique interests, but what fun is it without anyone else? not very..

and yes, i need to take up reading more books. my dad has some self help books that i'm going to give a try because he used to suffer from social anxiety too. i don't think my dad ever got it as bad as i do, but the books should still help me. i used to love beatnik literature, but i don't know what happened. i lost interest when i made friends. then i lost the friends when i quit smoking weed because i saw how it was what's ruining my life. now.. i have no friends and i wanna read books again >_<


Well-known member
In my spare time...hmm...well I'm pretty much always on my computer doing something, and always listening to music when i'm on my computer. Normally on my computer I just surf the net, or when i'm really motivated I teach myself a program...haven't done that in a while though.

Occasionally I play videogames (Baten Kaitos owns my soul)...I'm a nintendo fan...what can I say :p...going to get Kirby: Canvas Curse sometime next week...yay.

I don't watch TV...haven't for a long time...don't really remember why I stopped watching it, but I don't want to start watching TV again and become addicted to it.

Also I enjoy tennis...but I have trouble finding people to play with me seen as I don't exactly actively seek them out...they need to learn how to read my mind dammit. In college I play a good amount of pool as well...but thats about it.

I do a lot of thinking as well...probably a little to much thinking.


Well-known member
Well, I have got too much spare time on my hands, it seems that every hour, every day is considered 'spare time' coz I neither work nor go to school presently. The things that I do include:

- eat
- sleep
- read alot
- spend a bit of time on the internet
- had started hitting the gym recently but seems to be ignoring it for the past couple of days

Well, I guess that's all...


Well-known member
aoao - you have some interesting hobbies! I never knew there were English words to Japanese songs...well, I guess it makes sense.
I hate the words "girly" and "feminine" - I think it would be better (well... at least better for some people with SA? idunno) if there were no gender roles... both guys and girls could act however they wanted to without pressure to act a certain way for society. Does anyone else think this, or am I crazy?

As for things I do in my spare time, well usually when I'm at home (as in not on vacation or somewhere else) I like to work. Haha, yes, it might just be cuz I'm young, but there is this job where you act as sort of an assistant for artists in this mansion - awesome job with extremely little social contact! I like money, I think money is a great way to earn shallow people as definite friends. That sounded shallow too, oh well. :?

I also really like to go skiing. I learned how to ski well before I was shy (around 9, I'm 13 now) so going to a ski resort with lots of people doesn't scare me as much as a ... soccer convention, as I suck at soccer. As long as I stay out of the lodge or main base area, I'm fine. It's weird, I would think I would be more anxious - maybe it's because I've been in ski resorts so long, I'm just used to them... eh, I dunno.

I like playing The Sims :p I can actually make some ok houses... The Sims I think is a fun thing to do to make a fake life for yourself. Even with 0 "Outgoing" points, Sims are never truly shy.. that's something that has always bothered me.

I used to say that I liked to "hang out with friends" and while I still sense that I enjoy it somehow, the anxiety has become too strong to really make it fun anymore. I sometimes avoid situations where lots of my friends will be there, and I always avoid it if it's a crowded place like a downtown or a roller rink.

Never been to any country outside US & Europe :( I hope to go to Korea soon, I know a little bit.