Something that I think helps me


Hi everyone :)

I have had all over HH for about 8 years now and I have tried a bunch of things to help combat it with little success. One thing that I have noticed that works pretty good for me it to eat very little throughout the day. I found this out while I was trying to loose weight.

I was eating very little and I was always hungry with my stomach hurting a little b/c of it. I was also in school at the time so i did it on purpose to keep from sweating in class.

So in short, less food/always being hungry = less to no sweating.

Anyone else notice this?


Well-known member
I haven't noticed that, but as someone who is underweight, this would not be an option. I find that when I eat, it takes my mind off the sweat and I sweat less.



Ya, I am overweight (220 right now, 6'2 I lift weights and I am a big person in general) 200 would be a good weight for me. I was down at about 190 a few years ago and I think being thinner helped with the sweating, but I honestly forget. I bet it did, because that would be the most logical expectation.


I used to not eat at all throughout the day back in highschool. When I was hungry and tired, my body felt colder and it made me sweat less. Even now when I go to work I never eat a big meal; problem is I drink too much coffee. So I switched to decaff and it seemed to help.

I think the best way is to eat healthy and in small portions throughout the day. Can't be good for the body if you're hungry all the time.