sp is so hard to live with


Well-known member
Hello everyone, I am few months away from turning 23. I graduated from college when I was 21. I had been working before for some time and man sp really was killing me there. Now it has been many months and I don't have a job. Going to interviews is unimaginably difficult for me. The worst thing is, my parents are really getting frustrated with me sitting at home and doing absolutely nothing.

So finally I decided after many months that I have to do something. I figured just struggle with and go to job interviews, even if I completely mess up. Sure enough last week an employer called me and told me to come down for a two-hour interview. I had drugged myself so heavily with a 40mg propranolol pill, 0.5mg xanax xr, and a lot of strong chinese herbs. With that combination somehow I didn't feel any nervousness.

Nevertheless two of my interviewers thought I was such a retart. One of them was practically laughing as she left and didn't even give a proper good by. They wrote back to me saying I never spoke and I'm way too quiet, so I'm not a proper fit for them. What do I do? I have to get a job soon and there is no way I could possibly move forward like this.

:cry: :cry: :cry:


Well-known member
i had a hard time finding work, and the job i have is so stressful that its not even worth it

not to mention to find a women who likes me


Well-known member
It is good that you are trying, but this "going full on at something really, really scary" approach may not work. I think the way forward is actually sideways. Maybe address and apsect of the anxiety that isn't related to getting a job first.

Job interviews are a high pressure and anxiety situation for everyone. So if you have a problem with anxiety in everyday interaction, it is quite reasonable for your anxiety to go through the roof in an interview.

You could try tackling some of the less frightening things that are nonetheless still an issue for you. Find what helps you deal with those, then start applying the methods and the techniques to the really scary stuff.

Or that's what I'm doing and it is going ok so far.


Well-known member
For me the interview doesn't bother me as such because I just go into an interview with the attitude I'm not going to get it anyway......

I tend to apply to companies who are 'Equal Opportunity Employers', they seem to be more willing to over look your imperfections. Usually I just say something like "as you can tell I'm a very shy person, but maybe in time this job will give me confidence"....pritty lame but I figured honesty was my best policy and 9 times out of 10 surprisingly it works, and they seem to admire my honesty....

but they soon find out a few months down the line that I don't seem to gain confidence and ultimately I get dismissed which seriously sucks!!...lol... :oops:


Well-known member
Yeah, I'm at that point too. 22, finished uni last year and I have yet to do much. I am tutoring back at uni for 8 hrs a week, and it is good pay but I have to find something else to do with my time.

I'm mostly afraid of what they'll say about my resume as it's bare but I figure the longer I wait, the sooner it will look even more pathetic. If they do ask me why I haven't had a normal job before I plan to tell them I've had anxiety and agoraphobia issues.