Starting a New Job


Active member
I'm starting a new job and I'm afraid my social phobia will make my first impression go wrong.

Any quick advice? My work involves team-work with people I don't know.

Any tips?


Well-known member
Its tough starting a new job. I remember my first week in my current job nearly 4 years ago. I recommend mentioning to your colleagues that you're nervous, so that they can make allowances if you do happen to make a mistake.

Also remember that its not realistic to get through your first week without making a mistake, even though us SPs tend to set ourselves way too high standards!

Best of luck!


Active member
yeah exactly! I'm a perfectionist. I'm so critical on myself......and I feel like the whole world has their eyes on me and if I mess up they'll snicker behind my back.......

it feels like junior high all over again.....except I was mentally stable as a kid! :roll:


Well-known member
Here is what I can tell you from mylast job experience. Everyone on my team knew I was kind of weird and shy but all my team members were cool about and no one cared. Even my manager was really cool with me even though she knew I was so nervous. However, people who represent the company, like the president and ceo, hated when I acted nervous. To them it was important their employees are confident and professional people.

If you can, take a xanax pill with you and you should be fine atleast for a first impression.


first impressions

The only thing i can think of 2 say is that people expect you to be a little nervous when u first go for a job, not sure what the job is your going for but if you try and stay busy on working that should take your mind off your nerves, Sorry I couldnt say somthing more usefull but i wish you the all the best and im sure it will go okay for ya :D


Well-known member
i started a new job a week ago and am doing well, working kind of puts me on edge. at least with everything else it seems like you can *escape* whereas with work you can't or you'll be broke.

just take it one day at a time. i don't know what kind of work you're doing but i work in retail and i just take it one shift at a time. one customer at a time. and know that once you get through the first day, you can get through the rest. good luck and best wishes!


First days are always horrible!
Not just for you but for everyone. To be nervous and make mistakes is normal, dont´be worry about that .
I can give you a piece of advice that works wiht me.
take some pills to be cool, do some kind of meditation or just relax your self and fill you up with nice thinks as "everything its going to be ok" "Im´good in my work" "i dont need to be perfect because Im´just a human person and its normal make mistakes""Im´always giving my best so I can be proud of my self, "....well you know, all that kind of thinks witch make you feell better and more confident.
Look yourself in the mirrow and say " Im´cool, i love my self ....bla.bla..."
I konw it sounds a bit silly but can work, belive me.
And at work smile as much as you can (becareful , you dont need to look like a fool),but, you konw, people like smile.
50% of the people are cool and they will understand you are nervous and you are shy because everyone is different.
Dont pay attention to the rest, they are just assholes and so simple than they cannot understand anything further than their own noses.
You dont need them. Fuck up all of them.
Love your self because that is essentially the solution for our problem
Good luck Annamaria


Active member
yeah, this new job transfer is 2 weeks away and my stomach churns at the thought of it...which is every hour. :roll:

Sounds like you guys are coping well with your sp? I've had this for 5 years and I feel like a newbie.

The new job: program planner for a prevention/rehab clinic....I hope no one I know reads this and knows it's me. :( 8O shit.scary thought.




AnnaMaria it sounds to me like ur coping well, I mean myself and a lot of others on this site are probaly too bad to even contemplate a job, Plus you seem to still have your sense of humor which will help you alot :wink:


Active member
Re: Coping

Danfalc said:
AnnaMaria it sounds to me like ur coping well, I mean myself and a lot of others on this site are probaly too bad to even contemplate a job, Plus you seem to still have your sense of humor which will help you alot :wink:

Yeah, at least my sense of humour was spared.

I actually laugh at wrong moments.....which is another issue I have. 8)

For example at my new jobsite there are some in-door tracks for patients to run on and I noticed this guy in funny shorts running with his arms out like he was swimming. :lol: :lol:

I cracked a smile that must have looked obnoxious. The manager sorta stared at me in silence and said "most of the people have suffered massive heart attacks and strokes.blah blah blah".

I thought "Fuck why do I always smile or laugh or frown at the wrong time. Anyway, yeah I love to people. :twisted:



Heh, i would of said 2 ur manager, "thats fair enough but doesnt mean he has to run like a retarded chicken" :lol:


Well-known member
AnnaMaria, I laugh at inappropriate times too, it's just a nervous reaction I guess, I'm not sure. I remember my best friend devastated cause her parents were getting divorced, and she was telling me about it and crying like crazy, and all I could do was laugh :roll: and I couldn't was so embarassing!! And then there are times when I can't force myself to smile or laugh, like I have this permanent upset, pissed-off or bewildered look about me 8O ...i hate it :evil:


New member
I have this problem too! I've suffered from SP for about 13 yrs, and have an expression of sheer terror and mortification most of the time...except of course when i'm about to tell someone something serious and important.

That's when I behave like the Dr in the Simsons..erm I can't remember his name....he laughs like a loon when he's telling Homer he's eaten the poisonous fish thing and he's going to die? I think maybe it is just a nervous thing...or suffering SP turns us into insensitive dimwits? :?


Active member
Re: *laughs*

Danfalc said:
Heh, i would of said 2 ur manager, "thats fair enough but doesnt mean he has to run like a retarded chicken" :lol:


Maggie I soooooooooo relate with what you said "there are times when I can't force myself to smile or laugh, like I have this permanent upset, pissed-off or bewildered look about me ." So well said... :lol: :lol:

Lawyerguy, if your new job is being someone's lawyer....I wish your clients the best of luck :lol: :lol: Just kidding, being a lawyer and social phobic.....bad mix, no?