Starting Sydney Support Group


Hi everyone,

I have been a SA sufferer for about seven years and would like to start a support group in the Sydney area.

Last year I took part in group therapy at the St Vincent Anxiety Clinic in Darlinghurst which helped me deal with social anxiety more openly.
I had never met anybody with the same set of problems before nor did I share my phobia with anybody outside of my family circle so you can imagine how anxious and awkward I felt about meeting fellow sufferes.

Getting through the first meeting was tough but from that experience I became more comfortable with sharing what had been 'my big dark secret' for years. Within a couple of weeks I had confided in several friends who were all very understanding and supportive. This made a monumental difference to my life

These days everyone that matters to me knows about my social phobia and it has become a lot less of a burden since I 'came out'. The symptoms of SA are still very much present in my life and friends and family cannot quite understand what I am going through sometimes so I realize the importance of sharing experiences and worries with people that one can relate to.

I would like to set up an open and supportive environment for people that are interested in meeting with fellow sufferers to discuss anything their heart desires and share stories about their personal experience with social anxiety.

For anyone interested don't think about it twice and feel free to contact me via email

[email protected]

Best Wishes,
