The gas pump...


Well-known member
luckily i dont' feel too anxious there, i just find it such a pain going. especially with prices going up. i just like the gas fumes. focus on those!


Well-known member
there was a while when i was the same way. i used the avoid busy gas stations and i would always jump when the handle popped up. something i used to do was just watch the gallons (or liters) and stop just shy of a full tank. since i've been at school i'm always just so happy to have a car when i go home that i don't even think about it anymore.


Well-known member
i also hate filling up with petrol,and when i do go i always fill my tank right up so i dont have to go again for another 2 weeks :wink:

its intresting how we all have so much in common but dont realise it until someone starts a post like this one and you think "i have that aswell" :)


Active member
I dont remember having any problems getting the gas, it was when I had to go in and pay for it that I hated. Well I haven't driven in a long time because and this may sound a little nuts, but I start getting small panic attacks at red lights & stop signs because I think people in the other cars around me are staring at me. 8O


Well-known member
I'm 22, male, and absolutely terrified of driving. Here in New Zealand a young male who cant drive and doesnt have a car has about as much chance of getting a girl as a wingless seagull has flying across the Atlantic