Verbalizing thoughts


Well-known member
I came up with a theory last night. It's probably true that shy people spend more time alone than other people do. When you are alone the only communication that goes on is within your own head. This is all well and good, as this is perfectly healthy for any individual, however when most of your communication is done inside your head this is when it becomes problematic.

When you are communicating inside your head, you are training yourself to become more and more of an introvert. You see, a lot of extroverted people just blab on about anything that is in their head at the time. The more time you spend inside your head, the less likely you are to just put your thoughts out there for the world to hear because it feels natural not to verbalize your thoughts. This equals a closed or quiet personality. So to improve, maybe the answer is to try and verbalize your thoughts more. This can even be practiced in private because even though there is no-one there to hear, you have still verbalized your thoughts leading to a greater chance to be successful in your day to day communications with other people.

So start talking to yourself out loud, I dare you. ::p:


Well-known member
Well your either born as an introvert or an extrovert.

The only difference is that by isolating yourself for a long period of time, you can become more introverted like, you can't become an introvert if your an extrovert.

You can become more shy (extroverts can be shy too believe it or not)

Or you may become less sociable due to isolation.


Well-known member
"a lot of extroverted people just blah blah about what goes on in their heads" soo true and reminds me of John McCain's presidential campaign.::p:

yes odds are if you talk all of the time you're bound to say something intelligent..not always ^ and if you never speak up then you're rated on the few words you DO say, and if you're shy they might come out wrong to begin with and be misinterpretated etc...

that happens to me a lot. But I still prefer people of few words like myself LoL
unless they talk about something like truth and important matters, then I like to talk a lot.


Well-known member
I should try this, thanks Aussie_Lad :)

The bad thing is that most of the times I have nothing to say >.<


Well-known member
I'm not shy but I have been isolating myself for a few years, so I get how this works.
I usually go without saying a single word out loud for weeks.

I lose my words all the time and can't think of how to verbalize.
Sometimes it feels like I haven't opened my mouth to say anything in months and my jaw just doesn't work because it's out of practice. haha


Well-known member
i've tried this before, because i thought it might help me speak more freely or open up more. of course, i didnt talk around anyone, i was by myself, but i'd talk aloud to myself and whatever came to my mind id say verbally instead of just thinking it, and you know how sometimes your thoughts can go on and on and ramble about stuff and you get all caught up with thinking and become day-dreamy, well i tried to do less of that and less speaking in my thoughts and instead let it out by speaking verbally.

in conclusion, it didnt seem to help much and i couldnt keep it up. speaking aloud just seemed to make me more worrisome or paranoid. i was much happier with my quiet thoughts and so that's what i went back to...

however, it may work for someone else or it may work over a long period of time, you never know


Well-known member
I think you are born talkative or not. But I could try it, practice does make things better.

But tbh, sometimes I just can't think of anything to say in the moment - esp if it's with older people, I just have nothing to say to them.


Well-known member
excellent post, I'll be adopting this immediately.

I do not talk much and when I do it is usually word soup; so I imagine this will provide a positive result over time.