Was it me??


Well-known member
So I started talking to my friend over facebook you know the basics "hello"
"how are you"
"Im good how are you"
You know normal stuff but my friend (I'm using a fake name... Kate) now kate said "No im not alright i just got over my ex.
So I said like.. "Hope your okay.. you know you can talk me about anything"
I have to admit I was asking her questions about her ex.. at the same time giving her some advice. But when I was doing this she NEVER said or something like "Im sorry I don't want to talk about" which was fine with me and I understand with that.. but she never said anything.

A few minutes later.. my friend (another fake name kiara) messaged me telling me that she didn't like asking me questions. But I got confused... after a few minutes me and Kiara started talking. Then it turned into an argument because we changed conversation, I told her I was worried about her. Then the name calling started

(I know its two conversations. But this what actually happened :eek:)

So when I told her I was worried about she called me and gave me insults (I have no idea why)

After today me and Kate are okay now because I found out that she didn't want to get Kiara to send me a message. So I'm glad about that.. its just Kiara I'm worried about. :sad:
You should really talk to them about it, preferably on the phone. Try to explain as soon as possible that you don't have bad intent and that you want to know what you did wrong


Well-known member
This is why face-face communication is the best form of communication.
You had good intentions, she probably misunderstood.