What is this emotional obsession for other women????


Hey all,

I keep feeling emotionally attached to women i meet, through work or friends. I hate the feeling because it deeply saddens me and I feel so lost whithout there attention. When i get a compliment I get so involved that its scary to feel like this and I get interested or rather ruminate my feelings over and over and don't have control over myself. I also feel guilty when i do talk to the person and get paranoid even if i didn't do anything but just talk.
If i was single it would be a different story but i'd be a player and feel like crap in every relationship or encounter, but seeing i'm not single and have ocd i just feel terrible in not having any control over my thoughts.


Well-known member
Hi Marco, can you please be a little bit more specific.

Is it a sexual obsession?
Is it just emotional like 'I want to give her a big cuddle'?
Or do you feel like your falling in love or an attachment like a mother figure.



I guess an emotional attachment like caring and sexual obsession which i can lead into a relationship.