what to do, what to do


New member
just found this place. feeling depressed, i missed work today. i have no motivation to do anything. Another day gone by that i could have gone to see a doctor. i don't know how to do it. i don' t know how to get out of the house, drive there and actually go in and sit in a waiting room with other strange people. Having to talk to the receptionist, then a nurse, then a doctor. All of them strangers. getting out of the car and walking through the parking lot is hard enough, let alone actually going inside where all the strange people are herded together in a little room. I'm never going to get any better, and it just keeps getting worse.


Active member
Just do it whenever it is time to go, if you don't do it now then you will never get it over with and it will probably get even worse. I have faced similar situations like this before and you will not get anything done just by thinking about it, you have to take action. I know you can do it . :) Just think when you get it done and over with, you will not regret it. You will gain more convidence than you had before.


Well-known member
hey lori1980. :) ..i know just how you feel....going to a doctor or dentist...the drive..the parking...the receptionist (yikes) but especially the waiting room.....it's really really hard to do for me too...something that helps me is making the VERY FIRST appointment of the day...even if it is a couple of weeks away...( i always tell them i have to go into work at 9 am :wink: )....then, i arrive 10 or 15 min. early and then i'm usually the first person in waiting room, and receptionist is usually still organizing for the day and doesn't notice my weird quirks so much 8O...and i always have my cards and ID and shit ready...so i'm not searching....and i ALWAYS bring a book to "pretend" i'm reading so i look busy..and sungasses..always the sunglasses....it's exhausting, but it helps me 8)


Well-known member
awww such pessimism. :( *hugs* i have a hard time coaxing myself to go to work in the morning sometimes, but i'm usually pretty happy and i think i'm getting better. i don't miss work over anxiety. that's pretty bad. you should try to be brave and seek help, or get a better attitude and try to help yourself. i don't know what else to suggest, meh ._.


New member
My drivers license has been expired for two months, i'm afraid to go and get that done too. but then again who doesn't hate the DMV. thanks for the advice. I think i need a psychiatrist or something. I have other problems beyond the social anxiety. It just seems like I don't know where to begin. I think about looking up some doctors in the phone book, but then i would have to call and talk to them and that scares me too. It's like fighting a losing battle with myself.


Well-known member
lori1980...do you have someone who can go with you to appointments? I find that helps too, even if I get a ride there and I am kinda forced to go in, know what I mean? :wink:


New member
Yeah I can always find a ride if i need one. I think the hardest and saddest part of being this way is that you know your letting life pass you by.