Why are people like that?


My parking spot at school is very inconveniently located. I'm forced to park in a parallel parking spot that is on a curve. Basically, I'm parking inside of a V.

Anyway, I had a bit of trouble parking today because the guy in back of me pulled up to far, so I had to run it a few times. When I got out of my car, the wonderful welcome wagon had to comment on my inability to drive. Situations such as that raise my SA to the max, and basically, I'm speechless. I'll say something, but the words will come out wrong, or they won't come out at all... it's terrible. I managed to get out the sentence "If you don't like the way I drive, you can drive me to and from school." and I walked off. As I was walking off, I heard someone say "And pay for the gas in your tank." I looked up and it was one of the new teachers for this year. I haven't heard anything good about him yet, but I talked to him a little bit about what was said back there and he was quite the morale booster. I can't understand why no one likes him.

So... if I'm ever to enter another situation like that, what do I do? I just said the first thing that came into my head, and obviously, it wasn't the smartest. It's just difficult for me to do anything that normal people can do in situations like that... word fighting would be the phrase I'm looking for I guess. Say for instance someone starts talking trash about me. I just sit there and take it because if I say something, I usually end up making myself look stupid, or it's turned around on me in a bad way.

So what do I do? I know someone goes through what I go through... Ideas? Tips?


Well-known member
wow, i don't think SA has anything to do with this. i mean, sure it has everything in the world to do with it, it makes it all the harder to retort, but i think any normal person would have a hard time with a comeback since they've caught you off gaurd. that guy's a prick. i probably wouldn't have said anything just for the lack of improvision! well, i might have flicked him off... who know's.


Well-known member
The reply you gave to the jerk - that was a lot more than (I'm guessing) most people of this site could have ever come up with. Great job! I would have ignored the bum. I do it all the time to people. They're angry or pissed off and choose to throw it at you. They want your feedback to feed their own anger. I just say nothing and leave them hanging, which makes them feel a bit uncomfortable in front of their friends (if they're around).


Well-known member
I call those kind of people 'professional jerks'. I agree with 2Quietforthem, if you cant think of anything just ignore them, sometimes theyre just looking for a fight and it takes the fun out of it if you don't respond.


Well-known member
When people behave in an unneccessarily negative way i find myself saying that "why ?" - why do you feel the need to do that ? what the hell is in you to want to ? Those questions are what leave me speechless - i just can't wrap my head around it. I usually ignore it and that cuts any further crap short. Although on a couple of occasions i have actually attempted to placate the person starting shit with me - afterwards i felt dirty and disgusted with myself though - i will not be doing that again!!!!!!!
And i don't recommend that anyone does - yuck.
Saying something witty and cutting would be the ideal thing to do ( for me anyway ) but as 4myself said ignoring them takes the fun out of it for them - they are doing it to get a reaction out of you and ignoring them takes away any sense of satisfaction they will enjoy at your expense.
hehe i reckon you did alright with that comeback it makes sence! i say well done, its hard for anyone to come up with a witty comeback when put on the spot like that let alone a sp sufferer. good day


Active member
Just smile and walk away? Regardless of whether you are insulted, have SA, think it's just only funny, or have no reaction doesn't matter, I like to check where my reaction is coming from and why I 'need' to talk back at all and it's usually for defense! People will always say stuff and we will always recieve it through our own personal set of filters. Sometimes people just say things without any intention of being nasty about it, sometimes they do, that's life. It's our reactions that deserve the attention rather than a retort I reckon, so I prefer to put my awareness into that than trying to explain the external world around me. Otherwise, the nasty things we perceive, the fearful situations we remember and so on will be the main body of our memories. What a waste of time! Thanks for you question, it's helped me think things through :)
Peace xxx :)