Why bother?


Well-known member
I mean, really, why should I even bother with people anymore? For all the stress/anger/depression about SA, I really don't see the point in this mental abuse. I completely give up on the human race. I am completely ignored wherever I am, I wish someone would just have the guts to "talk to the quiet kid". It just seems that I wasn't put on this earth to be a social butterfly.


Well-known member
hello leapfrog. I'm talking to you. How's it going? How's the weather? My bit of advice to give to you, is that no matter how tough things go, never give up!

If you'd like someone to talk to feel free to email or pm me. 1.99 for the first min, .99 cents each additional min. Roaming and long distance fees may apply. 8). Kids please ask your parents for permission before making any calls.


Well-known member
I agree LeapFrog, the only time that I felt happy was when I was a heavy drinker, well actually I wasnt happy but I could at least get along really well with other people and pretend that I was happy.


Well-known member
I mean why should we be treated like we are some kind of weirdos when everybody has problems. Who are other people to say that they are better than us beacause they dont have the same problem?. Stupid jerks, they just want to make themselves look better. :x


Well-known member
Its interesting how people only want to be around you and be your 'friend' when you are happy and you can do things for them. I guess I should just accept thats the way the world works and decide if I want to buy my 'friends' or live in solitude.


Well-known member
True friends stay by your side no matter what,i only have 1 true real friend,and a few fake friends as i call them(friends becaise of circumstance rather than my own choosing) by that i mean such as my future step brother - hes my 'friend' because we were basicly put together by my father and his mother who are in a long term relationship,i dont really have much trust for him.

But my real true friend i would trust with my life.