working from home


New member
...that's a no brainer, and social services plans to have me do wills/contracts/etc from home

but why is it that the only place i am completely not nervous at is on stage with my rock band?

though when i played, i was the singer, and after the music, the band went out and socialized with the crowd, bar staff, but i always hid from interaction and when i interacted, i froze and my throat closed up and i felt like i was always about to say someting stupid that no human in history would utter

but then when i am back on stage, i am close to normal?

are there any other musicians out there who are agoraphobic who felt ok only on stage?


Active member
Hi, MR335, Well, i understand perfectly what you say. I am no musician, but love languages and when i have the opportunity to practise them, i feel comfortable, because i like them and like the way i talk and pronounce them, but if i don' t practise them, then my social phobia grows alot. Perhaps it is because we (you for music and me for languages) know we like them and do it well, that' s why we don' t judge us.