your take on your life


Well-known member
sometimes i wonder.
Am i mentally inept? i know i have OCd or something else up there.
But whats not what i mean.
Do you ever wonder if everone else is smarter than you? or that maybe you are infact a little mentally slow?

I don't have a lot of friends, thats true, atleast my friends are true friends, I never did good in school, Is that because i didn't try, or maybe because i am mentally handicapt.

I don't think i'm a handicapt person, Although sometimes i wonder. Why is it that through my eyes, i feel so infereor to everyone else?

Rise Against

Well-known member
Here is my take on my life...
Athletics - Good
Academics - Good
Social life - No good (but improving)

I feel like i am missing out... Everyone talks about how high school is suppose to be the best time of your life, but i hate it. Its so boring, i never have anything to look forward to, other than sports and weekends. I feel like a robot, everyday i wake up, eat breakfast, go to school until 11:45 and then come home and eat lunch by myself. Go back to school until 3:25. Go to track, come home and do homework. Then shower and go to bed...

At least i always do something on the weekends to keep life interesting, like go snowboarding or fishing or something.


Well-known member
I used to be afraid of how quiet my house/life was/is.
But really that's the only way I like it.
I try to get out of the mentality that things are wrong so that I can shake off depression.
I just let life be interesting when it's interesting and boring when it's boring.


Do you ever wonder if everone else is smarter than you? or that maybe you are infact a little mentally slow?

Im not sure if this is what your getting at,but I sometimes worry i have somthing more wrong with me than ive been diagnosed with.Depression,and the anxiety disorders i have dont really seem to cover how ill i am.

I know i dont have somthing really serious because i can function quite well/normally in most situations except social ones,and i wouldnt say im slow mentally,because i was quite smart at school and stuff.But i do feel backwards socialy sometimes and in relationships.I wonder if i have aspergers or somthing simlar.


Well-known member
not that i think i'm slow.
I know i'm not, i am a teacher, i have had many jobs, i can do anything i try to do. But when i talk to people i feel they are ignoring me because i am less than them, or i feel that people will think i am stupid if i say something wrong.
Sometimes i even wonder how i could get such a good girlfriend when i am who i am.


Well-known member
I'm myself and I'm very good at it. I wouldn't want to be another person. Sure, there are things we'd change, but everyone feels that way.

If you feel dumb, ever hear of the kind that lost half his brain from a gunshot....he graduated college. He lost half his brain and he could do it, why not you? The brain is amazing, we have more brain power than we could ever use


Well-known member
sometimes i wonder.
Am i mentally inept? i know i have OCd or something else up there.
But whats not what i mean.
Do you ever wonder if everone else is smarter than you? or that maybe you are infact a little mentally slow?

I don't have a lot of friends, thats true, atleast my friends are true friends, I never did good in school, Is that because i didn't try, or maybe because i am mentally handicapt.

I don't think i'm a handicapt person, Although sometimes i wonder. Why is it that through my eyes, i feel so infereor to everyone else?

I feel the exact opposite. I have the nasty habit of thinking everyone around me is "retarded", or slow. Because Im constantly questioning and wondering all of these big thoughts/ideas.

You probably just have ADD like me (along with other things you said? maybe?), your introspective curiosity is proof that your questioning the world and behaviors of other people. Which is smart people talk for always analyzing yourself or others.

Im 100% that you'll come around very soon. Just dont spend too much time trying to figure yourself out, beause while your contemplating.... other people are out living & waiting for you to join them


Sometimes i even wonder how i could get such a good girlfriend when i am who i am.

Not wanting to sound too cheesy,but maybe its cos she can see you for who you are,where you dont because your depression and stuff gives you a bad view of yourself.

I agree with some of what Surewhynot said,im sure its just the constant second guessing we do about ourselves more than anything else.


Well-known member
i wouldn't say waste of time. Stuff always gets done, But you know i think it's just the feeling of getting no where in life. everybody seems to be moving and i am in china for 2 years now, i have nothing to show for it except experience.


Well-known member
i don't wonder if i am mentally slow.
i know that i am mentally slow.
i'm 21 and i have never been able to read a book in my life, i feel like like is going at a million miles an hour and i cannot slow down, i don't sleep anymore because i can't, i lie down try and then just cannot do it so i just spend all my time playing computer games now.
i feel like an actor in life and the world is spinning around me, i will kill myself eventually because of the stress.


Well-known member
chew some valerium root, and get some excesize, and then take it easy, you'll be ok.
And because you never read a book doesn't mean anything, just read a good book, Try reading Of mice and men, it's less then 100 pages, it's a simple read, try it out.

Reiji Moritsugu

Well-known member
Athletic skills: Zero.
Intellectual skills: See above.
Social skills: Take a guess.
Creativity: You should get it after reading the first point.
Looks: I think I´ll pass on this one.

I´m 22 and I already feel like life is ending for me...I mean,
I just don´t have any skills or abilities whatsoever.

Whenever I try something new, the result is always the same...
I just FAIL tremendously.

This is why I hardly initiate anything these days, because the
thought of trying just to fail like I always have is no longer just
a part of my unconscious mind, it has spread its shadow to my
conscience and appears every time I god - knows - how - think
of trying something new.

I just feel that I´ve just missed out on the best years of life...
while everybody else was out there living, I was inside the same
four walls, trying to avoid reality in any way possible. I know I´m
not satisfied with my reality, not satisfied with myself...the list
just goes on and on.

About the original question, I don´wonder if everybody else is
smarter than me...that is something I know is a fact. I feel
like crap during classes of any kind, because I see how others
learn new stuff really fast and I´m struggling to understand the
basics. At first I thought it could be me making some sort of
"self - fulfilling - defeatist - prophecy" but that was just an
excuse. I´ve been trying to accept things as they are, but
it´s been really hard and I don´t know whether I will be ever
able to accept how limited my capacities are.


My brain seems to function great in every area except sociability. But that problem has tripped me up in life pretty bad. I've withdrawn out of several colleges over it. My goal is to get to school. Just gotta learn to deal with it is all i can do I guess, since no medicine has worked to treat my panic disorder. I take xanax, but all it does is stop the panic attacks for a short period. Nothing has worked to prevent them. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy didn't work for me either. Concerning CBT, I'd already heard all they had to say before... Personally I think my issues are more of a physical problem than a mental one. Maybe a nervous system disorder or possibly something to do with adrenaline. Maybe it's all being caused by the Mitral Valve Prolapse that I have. I don't know, but doctors don't really care to find out... I actually saw a different general doctor for a physical today and all he really told me that if I keep taking Xanax and don't keep trying different meds then I'm probably never going to get over the panic disorder. So in other words, I have to learn to deal with it. There has to be tests I can have to figure out what's going on. Can I demand to have them perform further tests? I'd feel better just to know what the **** my problem really is.


Unregistered 1

People tend to point to learning difficulties or ADD when people’s grades aren’t as good as they could be but more often than not, it’s a sign of low self esteem. Just because you’re not good at something at first doesn’t mean you’re inept or stupid but people with low self esteem tend to think that so they stop trying and give into the negative. It’s a bit of a vicious cycle really you give up and don’t get to see your full potential and because it usually takes practice for most people to become good at something you feed on the fact that your bad at something, when you didn’t give yourself the chance to become good.