Uncomfortable in your own skin???


Is it just me or can anyone else relate?

I sometimes, more then not, feel very uncomfortable in my own skin. Like for example when around people I don't know it is so obvious to the eye. I don't know where to put my hands and sometimes I start to shake. I basically clam all up and you can totally tell? Then knowing that I'm basically falling apart, I start to noticibally sweat and that only shows it even more...

Is there something I can do about this???

Anybody else relate?


Well-known member
i wish i had advice. i can definitely relate. i wish i was comfortable in my own skin. i can be totally alone in my room, like i am now, and still be uncomfortable in my own skin. it doesn't stop until i go to sleep.


Sorry dottie...I am tuley sorry that you suffer the same thing as me. Maybe a big ole' confidence boost will help tremendously for the both of us.

I wish there was somesort of a medicine that will help us but from what I'm reading it messes with your brain when you stop. That scares me. 8O