What did you eat today?

Granola cereal with almond milk and a sliced banana generously coated in a metric **** ton of added cinnamon. It's totally rocking my world right now - probably due to being famished.


Well-known member
McDonald's breakfast! Great way to start the day nice n' toxic...lol

But guess what?! Starting next month McDonald's will be doing all day breakfast!
But guess what?! Starting next month McDonald's will be doing all day breakfast!

Someone I know works there and when she told me this I imagined McDonald's lines will be miles out of the parking lot for a long time.

It was a smart move on their part because they're losing money at the moment and their breakfast is really popular. Ick :p


Well-known member
Someone I know works there and when she told me this I imagined McDonald's lines will be miles out of the parking lot for a long time.

It was a smart move on their part because they're losing money at the moment and their breakfast is really popular. Ick :p

They needed to do this 30 years ago as the breakfast is the only food worth getting there and that isn't saying much.

A few weeks ago I told someone that I was going for McDonald's breakfast and their text back to me was:

"You don't love yourself.."

Lol! Classic.


Well-known member
Breakfast: Milk and cookies
Snack: Granola
Snack: Carmels
Lunch: Cheese and crackers and a pumpkin spice latte
Dinner: Speghetti
Dessert: More carmels



Well-known member
Well it's the end of the day for me...so i've had 1 yogurt for breakfast, a tv dinner for lunch and then for dinner i had some chips and a bunch of cookies. I also drink water throughout the day.


Well-known member
I love brown rice, but have never tried sushi. One day I will eat sushi for sure. I've heard a lot about it. Today I had a glass full of Tart cherry juice, 2 slices of brown bread with pineapple jam on it. After so many days I had such a heavy breakfast.