what names did or do get called at school?

Lanky, because was tall, and got called stuff because I was skinny, but it was between friends, it didn't really faze me. I called them fat or short back, so it all leveled out. It was just banter really
Outsider - Because I always acted different than the others and liked different stuff, and were really serious about everything in class.

lesbian - Just because people knew I'm gay, and they would make fun about it a lot, because It's a funny thing in High School, I guess.

robot - Because I have anxiety tics. Damn anxiety. (Neck twitching, most of all eye twitching or moving my hands and feet and couldn't stop)

freak - Just because they thought so. I think so too, about them! LOL

butch - Not like the other girls, I'm the gayish freak.

ugly figure - Because I was ugly in their eyes. :*(

miss bones - I used to be under weighted, people were awful to me.

weird person - Just because of my different personality.

scared kid - I am terrified sometimes, and they notice.

quiet girl - I was afraid of speaking.

Girl with brain dammage - ' She's too weird to live, she should die'
(Oh god how much I hated this bully)

the list goes on...


Well-known member
No one really called me anything because I was a ghost. No one ever paid any attention to me (and at the time, I liked it that way). That was in high school. Earlier though, when I did speak to people and have friends, I was just called quiet/shy.


Well-known member
yeah i also got called lesbian, dyke, man and so on even though they had no evidence for this and in middle school was constantly called fat, cow etc and freak also


Well-known member
- Fat
- Boring
- The "21 year old" - Apparently I was too mature for my age. :rolleyes: It did get annoying when being called by it often, but looking back on it, I'm just glad I wasn't (and still not) immature like most of the people at school.
- The "quiet" one (who's also always up to something)
- Ugly
- Weird
- Short/Did you shrink?/You need to grow. (Not a day went by where someone had to make at least one comment about my height. >.<)
- The girl "allergic to everything." - This one really bothered me. >.> Because then it would always follow up with people watching me eat and then this one girl would either comment on what I was eating or if someone tried to give me something she would say something like, "No, she'll die!" or "She'll break out in hives!" and then just laugh about it. That lead me to eating my lunch on the bus or in the library for my senior year. I couldn't even step foot into that cafeteria anymore. ::(::mad:


I can remember only hamster because of my big front teeth :D, and some variations of my name.
- Fat
- Boring
- The "21 year old" - Apparently I was too mature for my age. :rolleyes: It did get annoying when being called by it often, but looking back on it, I'm just glad I wasn't (and still not) immature like most of the people at school.
- The "quiet" one (who's also always up to something)
- Ugly
- Weird
- Short/Did you shrink?/You need to grow. (Not a day went by where someone had to make at least one comment about my height. >.<)
- The girl "allergic to everything." - This one really bothered me. >.> Because then it would always follow up with people watching me eat and then this one girl would either comment on what I was eating or if someone tried to give me something she would say something like, "No, she'll die!" or "She'll break out in hives!" and then just laugh about it. That lead me to eating my lunch on the bus or in the library for my senior year. I couldn't even step foot into that cafeteria anymore. ::(::mad:

Sorry to hear about that Marls, especially the last one, kids can be really mean :(


Well-known member
Sorry to hear about that Marls, especially the last one, kids can be really mean :(
^ Yeah I couldn't agree more. That girl made most of high school years crap, tbh. I tried not to let her get to me too often though. She only acted that way towards me because we used to be friends in elem/middle school. Once I finally realized what kind of person she was and the crap she was getting into, I decided I shouldn't be hanging with her at all.


Well-known member
yh if the names are jus every once in a while i could deal with it but it was like everyday i didnt react or anything but it makes you feel like ****


Well-known member
A few small words is all it takes to destroy someone said:
yup and to the other person its jus a laugh although i reli dnt understand why some people find it entertaining to call someone something but apparently it is.


Active member
I got called ugly and was mistaken for a boy because I had such short hair in y7 and y8. :/ I think it definitely contributed to my anxiety because I took what people said as fact and turn their opinion into my own.


Egg head -Called that for years. I guess they disapproved of the shape of my head and resulted in me getting smacked in the head a lot.

Alien -Not sure why. Though it is entirely possible I'm an ET they cant prove it. :rolleyes:

June bug -because of my name and I apparently look like a bug.

So I guess I'm an extra terrestrial bug of some kind. Yeah it affected me.


Active member
I got called
- Vampire (because i used to wear a lot of eyeliner(I actually didn't mind, vampires are hot psh! teehee.))
- Emo (Okay, i did look like one that time, but i wasn't labeling myself,nor did i want to be labeled, i was being myself, wearing what i like and listen to what i like C:)
- This shy girl (Yeah, i'm shy around people i barely know.)
- The loner (Just because i'd stare at a direction for some time,or walked around in the break alone sometimes, or prefered to work alone because i hate having pointless discussions over nothing when it can be done the easy way.)
- The favorite of the teachers (Yeah i didn't like being called this, because to me it'd sound like i'm a suck-up. But teachers just really did seem to like me, i was more mature then most kids.)
- Weirdo (Yeah, sometimes i'm very shy, and sometimes i'm very open and fun to be around with. All depends on with who i'm with ;x)
That's pretty much it i think.

Edit: Does/did it affect me?
It did at the time, i got more insecure, because yeah,words do hurt. But then i got tired of all that shizzle, and opened up my mouth. I told those people in a very logical,sometimes arrogant,true and calm way, that this is who i am and they can't change me. They either have to deal with it or back off. That this is how i like myself to be because it's me being me and doing my own thing, instead of copying the rest of the,youknowwhatkindakids.
They were usually like did she say that? or like; well okay haha... or; Who do you think you are ?!
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In the Uni a couple of guys called me Brian, cause apparently i look like the kid from Alf



Well-known member
ahhh... lots of stupid play-on-words that sound like my name
I was called 'super slut' for a long time too, even though I dressed conservatively and was the last person in my age range to date a boy. haha

Also; stupid, ugly, fugly, fuggo and dirt/dirty.
I guess people weren't very creative. Creativity with name calling would've taken up too much of their precious time, since they bullied me every day.

Yes, it has alot to do with my anxiety. Childhood bullying is definitely the root of it.
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Well-known member
for most of my time I was called cripple, due to my hip and knee problems. I'm not like wheelchair bound or anything but I have a bit of a noticeable limp at times so yeah I guess I'm fair game since I can still walk.

I was also called Mr Burns as people compared me to an old man a lot (what with the hip problem and my personality) and I have a big nose, but that never really bothered me, Mr. Burns is one of my favourite simpsons characters :D excellent...