What RELIGION are you?


Well-known member
oh really? lol! shit! well that's wiki vs the various sources I heard that story from! Sorry I was rushed when replying and just wanted to grab a few links that might start to hint at the medical accuracy of the bible. I've not actually looked much into this area of evidence to be honest, but it's there to be tested right? There are tons of medical regulations in the old testament. If God is God you'd expect a majority would match up with current scientific findings. I think I might look into this further!

I'm not saying you're wrong about the regulations in the testament, just remembered the stuff about Semmelweiss and his discoveries (and how he was treated) and ran off to check up on it. Tell me what you find if you look into it though, especially if it does mention the use of things besides water.


Well-known member
I was just thinking the same thing! lol! I do wonder sometimes if anybody is actually changed at the end of all these debates?!

I think for me the reason why I love talking about all this stuff is because it cuts right to the root of a person. At the root of every person there is a core belief about the nature of the universe, whether we realise it or not, and I think it may well be the most important thing about a person, because all other branches grow from that root. But this is also probably why these debates can get quite heated, because we're dealing with people's core beliefs here, so it's a very sensitive terrain to be treading. Plus it's just the truth! I LOVE IT! I love exploring it and debating it and testing it! and life is just so mental, and we're all gonna die one day and I just love exploring this possibility that there may really be a God! I find it all so exciting! :) but that's just me!

I have a theory actually, for those who'd like to hear it! :).....I'm beginning to think that the world view that a person chooses to align with is more of a moral desicion than it is an intellectual one. Any honest seeker of the truth will admit that there is plenty of intellectual material for both sides of the story. There have been giants of the atheistic world and giants of the theistic world. But before opening any book or looking at any internet page I believe inside everybody is a pre-conceived bias. If I don't want to believe that there is a God, I'm sure I could feel very secure with my Dawkins books and my materialistic hat on. Equally, if I want to believe in God I can feel very secure with my CS Lewis books and my prophetic hat on......but I'll happily be the first to admit that I have a bias. I WANT to believe in God. Of course my pride, logic and integrity keeps me in check so that I could never believe in anything I knew was a lie, but when I find pieces of significant evidence that point towards God, I follow them with all my heart.

So if there is any good that comes out of these debates, I'd really like it if people, next time they open a theological book or read a scientific internet page, that they'd check their heart before hand and see if there are any pre conceived ideas already made before beginning the search.

It's for the people on the fence. It's for the person that can mull over information and concepts we've found important, instead of having to find them themselves.

No, there is astonishingly little intellectual material for your God or any other. God is just the thing that fills the gap of our understanding; when we don't understand something, God is immediately stuck there. How did the Universe and us get here? "God did it and here's how". Well, actually that how isn't even close, time for God to fill some other gap. How did the eye develop? "God did it." Well, not really, so God goes away to fill another gap. Why is one action moral and another immoral? "God did it." Na, he really didn't. Why am I sick? "You're possessed by Satan". Nope. Knowledge has a very strange way of nudging God out. Every time we actually find something out, God is nowhere to be found.

My underlying assumption is that objective reality exists and the closer we get to it, the better. All God does is keep us chained in bronze age beliefs that have long since been disproven and shown to be ridiculous. How many times in this thread have totally disgusting ideas and acts need to be explained, poorly, away? How many time does the Bible need to be shown to be wrong before people just finally let it go? Maybe that fuzzy feeling it gives you is holding you back from getting closer to reality. You already see it happening when people gloss over parts of the Bible and get frustrated when you bring those parts up: "No, no, I know the Earth isn't 6000 years old."

How many times does God need to be defended and proven wrong before it finally roles over and dies? God can't fight reality forever, because unlike God, reality really is infinite and unchanging. It's only a matter of time before people stop handicapping themselves with dead ideas just because they feel good.
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Well-known member
why do we have like 3 religion threads on the first page alone.

this is going nowhere, nobody's going to change their minds. there's no point in forcing your views on anyone else, christian or athiest.


Well-known member
why do we have like 3 religion threads on the first page alone.

this is going nowhere, nobody's going to change their minds. there's no point in forcing your views on anyone else, christian or athiest.

I'm not so sure. Just because you've made up your mind doesn't mean everyone has. We're not talking about the favorite color someone has, we're talking about beliefs that influence government policy, who gets elected, what laws get passed, how we run our lives. There is nothing more worthy of debate. Nothing
Atheist, and thinking about joining a UU (Unitarian Universal) congregation in hopes to meet some nice people. If I were not atheist, I would convert to Judaism.


Well-known member
I am from Christian background but I dont believe in fixed religion, I have something of my own.
I don't believe in anything. Belief without any real evidence just doesn't make sense to me - that goes for Atheism as well! When it comes to something like the existence of a higher power, there's no way of knowing whether it exists or not. Even thinking there isn't a God is a belief with no backing. Just admit you don't know!!!
I'm atheist, but used to be agnostic, which confused the hell out of me because I had too many beliefs. As an agnostic you can be open to ghosts, UFOs, demons, and loads more paranormal activity. Best of all, some of those things have a back door escape route, surprisingly. Ghosts can disappear or be seen by only certain people, UFOs could be so advanced that they have some form of cloaking technology and have mind control over people, and the same with the rest of the entire weird stuff people claim to see. To say you cannot prove there is not a god - is like saying you cannot disprove there is a pink unicorn running on a rainbow making the entire universe. You cannot prove it didn't make the universe, but you know it's only a human hypothesis, and not a theory. If no humans were living, there would be no unicorn, and no idea of god. Only when one becomes conscious do they question, they can't question when they don't live - but there is certainly no god when they are born, but there is the world. To question what isn't provable is just a philosophical luxury thanks to a good developed brain.
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Ghosts can disappear or be seen by only certain people, UFOs could be so advanced that they have some form of cloaking technology and have mind control over people, and the same with the rest of the entire weird stuff people claim to see.

Do you believe in ghosts now?I thought I saw a ghost when I was a child.Also there use to be tapping on my wall at night and scraping and stuff.But with age I put it down to having a hyper active imagination.

As for UFO's,I'd love to think there is aliens about,but I think mostly UFO's are prototype secret military planes and aircraft.
Do you believe in ghosts now?I thought I saw a ghost when I was a child.Also there use to be tapping on my wall at night and scraping and stuff.But with age I put it down to having a hyper active imagination.

As for UFO's,I'd love to think there is aliens about,but I think mostly UFO's are prototype secret military planes and aircraft.

I too had a very active imagination when I was small, I could play pretend for hours. I used to here scratching on my door at night as a kid, I later found out it was my mother trying to scare me.

About ten years ago I believed some weird stuff had happened to me, but at the time I followed the paranormal with an interest. So I automatically assumed I had something paranormal happening to me, and I think I wanted to believe so much that I ignored the facts. When I look back now, I can disprove it all. Nothing has happened to me since because I don't try not to jump to conclusions.

Yes, a lot of the sightings can be explained away by secret aircraft and sometimes by the way planes can appear at certain angles with the sun reflecting off it. Most of the time people just fake what they see, especially those who get good book deals.

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I'm atheist, but used to be agnostic, which confused the hell out of me because I had too many beliefs. As an agnostic you can be open to ghosts, UFOs, demons, and loads more paranormal activity. Best of all, some of those things have a back door escape route, surprisingly. Ghosts can disappear or be seen by only certain people, UFOs could be so advanced that they have some form of cloaking technology and have mind control over people, and the same with the rest of the entire weird stuff people claim to see. To say you cannot prove there is not a god - is like saying you cannot disprove there is a pink unicorn running on a rainbow making the entire universe. You cannot prove it didn't make the universe, but you know it's only a human hypothesis, and not a theory. If no humans were living, there would be no unicorn, and no idea of god. Only when one becomes conscious do they question, they can't question when they don't live - but there is certainly no god when they are born, but there is the world. To question what isn't provable is just a philosophical luxury thanks to a good developed brain.

Until I've searched the entire Universe up and down and I've been able to leave this dimension and search all the other ones thoroughly, ruling out the possibility of a higher power is just claiming some sort of knowledge that really is impossible to have.

Life on other planets was an idea created by humans. But with advances in technology we've realized it's not only possible, but entirely likely.

You seem really smart and rational. So why don't you stop your irrational fear of talking to people and become a Scientist or something??