Who here DOESN'T have Social Phobia?


Well-known member
Is anyone here just plain shy and quiet sometimes? Does anyone here have relationship problems in the family? Has anyone here used drugs? C'mon, what are the demographics of this website!


Well-known member
lol your post made me laugh. I wonder that too... but will really know what the context of some of these posts are?

Some have sevre SA, some are depressed, and just have anxiety, etc. There are a lot of "demographics" as you put it

Now, how it helps you to recover is up to how you intereperet it.

For me specifically i've been all of those things.
Right now I have problems with Anxiety and every now and then i get depressed about the situation.

Being shy isnt necessarily a bad thing. You prbably have a kind disposition and that's a positive thing. If you want to be more outgoing just take baby steps at getting there.


Well-known member
pinkputter said:
lol your post made me laugh. I wonder that too... but will really know what the context of some of these posts are?

Some have sevre SA, some are depressed, and just have anxiety, etc. There are a lot of "demographics" as you put it

Now, how it helps you to recover is up to how you intereperet it.

For me specifically i've been all of those things.
Right now I have problems with Anxiety and every now and then i get depressed about the situation.

Being shy isnt necessarily a bad thing. You prbably have a kind disposition and that's a positive thing. If you want to be more outgoing just take baby steps at getting there.

Thanks for being my first replier! :D

But, the thing is, I used to be moderately outgoing, and it didn't take baby steps (well, not very big ones at least) to get where I am now, so it shouldn't take baby steps to go back. I used to be a little shy around people I didn't know, but not how I am now. And the weird thing is, sometimes I'm like my old self, but then it just goes away......
I don't think being shy is a good thing.

I'm in college and am attending classes that demand participating and talking amongst other students. I am actually a pretty intellectual person, but I don't enjoy speaking up around people I don't know. I'll do it if I have to, but I don't like it sometimes.