Why Do My Eyes Water?


New member
Greets everyone!

My eyes always water up when I go outside (unless it's dark) or I have wind or some kind of fan blowing at me. For a while, I thought my eyes were just really sensitive or something, but I am now beginning to think it's tied to my social anxiety.

Why the hell is this? What a weird side-effect for a social disorder.


Well-known member
Yeh my eyes used to water excessively when i walked past a group of people.....kinda weird, was probably because i was obsessing about it. Also the slightest wind would set it off too :S


Well-known member
My eyes do the same thing and I'm always worried people notice and think it's weird. I have no explanation for it except that the more I think about it the more it happens.
This happens when im talking to people, like my boss. It happens though not if they are getting on at me but if im making them laugh or something, or telling them something. I always think people will noticve, but they dont.


New member
:O i fort iwas the only one!,

It happens to me too and it also doesnt happen much at night only day!, ... i too thought i had sensative eyes the wind is the worst when it blows they just stream like hell.

and sometimes when im in an anxious situation the more anxious i feel the more they water and it looks like im crying but im not and it just makes the situation 10 times worse.. i have often wonderd why it doesnt happen at night tho perhaps the bright light increase brain activity causing more anxiety symptoms... not sure but i realy hate it.



Don't you think maybe the light and wind dries your eyes out a bit?
So they create excessive water to compensate.
I don't know; ask a doctor?


Well-known member
watery eyes

That happens to me all the time. During anxiety attack the eyes get wide open (like the deer in the head lights). Anyway the wind starts to hit them and your eyes start to run water.