Your daily routines?


Well-known member
Having a break from work means I have the time to reply to this topic.
I'll get up between 10-11 tho sometimes it can take some motivation, particularly if I have had a bad dream - they are vivid and can make me feel like I'm truly mad. Half an hour of gazing at the curtains and I'm normal again. Then its breakfast, computer work or some shopping then lunch. Twice a week I will go for a long run of 8-9 miles. Shopping is at the weekend and I will buy fruit & veg from local shops then onto the Supermarket in the evening. Most food is stored in the fridge, with tinned, bottled and dry the exception (big fridge). Meals are a carefully worked out affair with typically 100g of meat and proportional veg and with few artificial ingredients. The point here is that first I don't want to gain weight and second I want to limit the connection of eating for pleasure. I will have coffee twice a week, which I really enjoy but it screws my sleep up too much to drink daily.
I might play some games on the Play Station if the weather is dull. Midweek I go to a local bar and sing a' la karaoke. Saterday night I will have a few drinks and cigarettes, Sunday spent recovering.


Well-known member
Wake, procrastinate, sleep. I've lost almost all my motivation in the last year, not sure why... I used to be very responsible before.
It's kinda wacky right now but, eh usually..

7-9am : wake up, eat a natural breakfast / drink organic juices, feed the cats, read my daily mantras.
11-2pm : class
3pm : get lunch (sometimes)
4pm : nap (sometimes) or wander around and take pictures by myself (I started a scrapbook after I moved)
5 - 7pm : study
8pm : eat dinner
9pm : workout
9:45pm : meditate
10-11pm : Internet / blah / journal / play the sims 3 / read about astrology or other esoteric topics / or update my art blog with new stuff
11:30pm : bed !

In the near future I'll be adding knitting classes (slept through the last few sessions unfortunately :/), volunteering..

I'm trying to get out a little bit more on the weekends...(try iceskating and visit this haunted prison....but the tour cost is pretty ridiculous, so I dunno.)

I'm thinking about joining a meet up group in my city for those who have SAD, I'm thinking of perhaps doing that first before volunteering because there will be less people to interact with... (whew!)

recently went to a new yummy sushi joint by myself and went to go get my Palm read.....but the chick was charging too much so I walked out....

But sometimes after being around so many people in class during the week I just want to lay in bed and watch films all day with my cat.

I recently realized I need more structure I my life so I'll always try to stick to a routine from now on...

It would be nice to find someone (no romance involved !) who I connect with (infj personality, hopefully) and go on little adventures with....
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