Do you think you're ugly?


Active member
Not sure. Sort of. I think my looks, or lack thereof often contribute to the "not good enough" status.

I have had people speak to me online and think I am a really great amazing wonderful person (people often like my personality) and then drop all contact with me after either seeing a picture, or meeting me in person.
I have had people ask me if I thought I was good looking...

man its so hard to explain.....because people dont outwardly tell you "you are ugly" people are not as bold as that - you have to piece together the clues...

My physical appearance is awkward. It's not just unattractive - put it's a portrayal of what other people think you are like. I dont like looking at my face at all

I can take a good picture, but in person - no I dont think I am attractive, I think I am bordering on fairly unattractive - and whats more is that I am utterly convinced that it is a vital factor in how well life can turn out for you.

Quite simply I dont like the way I look - and I know that appearances play a huge part in life - and that depresses me even further. The post your picture thread is a testament to that fact.

i dont know you and i think that you judge your self way to harsh

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
I can take a good picture, but in person - no I dont think I am attractive, I think I am bordering on fairly unattractive - and whats more is that I am utterly convinced that it is a vital factor in how well life can turn out for you.

Quite simply I dont like the way I look - and I know that appearances play a huge part in life - and that depresses me even further. The post your picture thread is a testament to that fact.

I don't think anyone would ever claim that being physically attractive is a hindrance in life, but I don't think it makes that big a difference to how life turns out for you.

And look at it this way - are the kind of people who would place a disproportionate amount of importance on physical attractiveness the kind of people whose opinion you care about anyway? It seems to me that such people would be extremely shallow, so even if you happened to be the most perfect example of physical perfection ever to walk the earth, would you really want anything to do with them?


Well-known member
It's not a case of 'ugly' people and 'attractive' people, there are a million shades of grey which the personality creates.
I thought there was only 50...?

In answer to the question, no I don't think I'm ugly, nor do I think I'm hugely unattractive. I don't think I'm particularly attractive either. But if somebody judges me on my looks alone, be it if they like me because they think I'm pretty, or dislike me because they think I'm 'ugly', then I wouldn't want to know that person anyway.
This is awesome and I agree 100%.


Well-known member
I really hate the word, 'ugly'.
It's so shallow-sounding and besides which, who is the judge of what is ugly and what isn't? There's no set rules around what makes somebody physically attractive.
Beauty can be found in anybody, you just have to see beyond the surface.
I'm not saying that I don't see how some people are more attractive than others; just that - it doesn't have to be so black and white. It's not a case of 'ugly' people and 'attractive' people, there are a million shades of grey which the personality creates. It is a shame when people don't have the patience or ability to see beyond the surface.
Sorry to derail the thread.
In answer to the question, no I don't think I'm ugly, nor do I think I'm hugely unattractive. I don't think I'm particularly attractive either. But if somebody judges me on my looks alone, be it if they like me because they think I'm pretty, or dislike me because they think I'm 'ugly', then I wouldn't want to know that person anyway.
^ Love this post. Completely agree 100%. I don't like the word ugly either, even though I'm obviously guilty of using the word before when describing myself. I'm trying to change my outlook towards myself, but I can't say I've been very successful.

Dark angel

Well-known member
Yes I do, most of the time. I rarely have a glimpse of confidence and then I maybe feel a little better about my image but I have serious issues with looking at my face and even worse, my body in the mirror. So yeah, you are not alone. I think is majorly the fact that pretty much everyone that surrounds me has unique features and I get to compare myself with a others a lot, which doesn't help very much...
As for looks, all I can say if you love someone she is beautiful.

I agree with this. I think the way with which we pick our partners is kinda backwards; looks first person second. I've never gotten this 'trail and error, let's see whatever sticks' thing.


Well-known member
It doesn't matter what anyone says or does. I think I am doomed to be unhappy with myself until I die

Same goes for me-- wouldn't matter if every person I came in contact with told me they thought I was gorgeous, 50 times a day for eternity; it wouldn't change what I see in the mirror.

You can try some of the self-diagnoses tests found on this page.
It's a serious illness; BDD.


Well-known member
Same goes for me-- wouldn't matter if every person I came in contact with told me they thought I was gorgeous, 50 times a day for eternity; it wouldn't change what I see in the mirror.

You can try some of the self-diagnoses tests found on this page.
It's a serious illness; BDD.
I'm sorry you have this. Despite what you say about yourself, I do think you're very pretty.


Well-known member
Krusty looks like he disagrees with what you say.
^ I'm sorry, I had to laugh at that. ::p: But seriously, I understand what you're saying, Weirdy. Compliments give me a boost, but deep down they don't affect what I truly think about myself. I still do appreciate what other people say though, I just wish it had a deeper affect on me more.

However, I do agree with Mikey, I think you're very pretty too.


Well-known member
Im finding more and more I keep swinging back and forth. Theres days where I think im a half decent looking guy when I actually wash up and whatnot, others im terrified to go out in public no matter what I do.

The worst is when I was walking with my friend the other day and a cute girl walked by, I looked back and she was looking back but I couldnt tell if she was looking at me or my friend:confused: Honestly it was probably my friend.


Same goes for me-- wouldn't matter if every person I came in contact with told me they thought I was gorgeous, 50 times a day for eternity; it wouldn't change what I see in the mirror.

I dont see it that way - I think that would be a fantastic way to be reassured of how you look. Of course nothing would change physically about yourself but, for me personally if someone told me I was good looking that much - all the time, I am pretty sure I would start to believe it - thats how good looking people know they are good looking. It's bound to give you confidence and self acceptance. Then again I am highly influenced by the environment outside of myself - I cant talk myself up - because it merely feels like I am deluding myself - I need validation - which I am sure all of us do to some extent.

I really hate the word, 'ugly'.
It's so shallow-sounding and besides which, who is the judge of what is ugly and what isn't? There's no set rules around what makes somebody physically attractive.
Beauty can be found in anybody, you just have to see beyond the surface.
I'm not saying that I don't see how some people are more attractive than others; just that - it doesn't have to be so black and white. It's not a case of 'ugly' people and 'attractive' people, there are a million shades of grey which the personality creates. It is a shame when people don't have the patience or ability to see beyond the surface.
Sorry to derail the thread.
In answer to the question, no I don't think I'm ugly, nor do I think I'm hugely unattractive. I don't think I'm particularly attractive either. But if somebody judges me on my looks alone, be it if they like me because they think I'm pretty, or dislike me because they think I'm 'ugly', then I wouldn't want to know that person anyway.

I am probably going to sound incredibly superficial here, but I am not entirely convinced of this beauty is in the eye of the beholder stuff - sure people have preferences, but generally - overall, beauty is a universal concept - I am not sure exactly where it stems from or what exactly makes one beautiful, but as far as I can see from an observable perspective - it seems very contrasted. For example the post your picture thread... when you see a good looking man or woman, and you see pages and pages and pages and pages of responses of "wow you are so good looking" and then you see someone who is not so much, hardly anyone comments - you might get a "you look nice" but then the whole event is over very quickly. There are preferences of 'types' I guess you could say, but there is still a very broad and very obvious status of beauty. If there wasnt - then terms like "out of your league" wouldnt exist.

There is a difference between being shallow and being attracted to someone of course, if you are going to judge someone on JUST their looks, then of course it makes you shallow - but that doesnt change the fact that if you are unattractive, then you are.

Personally I think some discussion needs to be had on resigning and coming to the terms to the fact that one is ugly. Perhaps it would give us unattractive types some form of healing.
Sorry I dont mean to sound like an ahole - its just how I see things.


Well-known member
I don't really think I'm ugly. But some days when I'm feeling bad about myself, I look in the mirror and seriously think I'm hideous.
So I guess it changes depending on my mood.

Hey there is no way your ugly so don't ever think like that. But I thought the same thing at times