How are you feeling?


Well-known member
Many times, other people's feelings rub off on me and I feel like them too. Today while cooking, I heard my neighbors' kids playing basketball and saying negative things. They sounded angry. At first, I tried to block them off and focus on the cooking, but the more I hear them, the angrier I get. I know they're angry at another person, but I couldn't help but feel angry as well. It's like I empathize with people too much to the point where I cannot close myself off from their negativity. I need to work on establishing emotional boundaries.


Well-known member
Aye... eh, aye. Pain in the arse, innit? Sorry... I just wish ma depression would pass. Ah hate feelin' so down. :sad:

You're not alone in that department. I've been in a depressive state for longer than normal and I don't know what to do about it.


Well-known member
Feel good! And scared! I've decided to go back to Melbourne for a couple of extra days and spend more time with my lady friend down there. I figured that I have a week of holidays left, and I'll probably just waste them here doing nothing, so why not go back and kiss her some more, right?

I'm scared because 1. This is rather impromptu and not something I do well with, 2. I hope I'm welcomed back (they said I would be, but still...), and 3. What if she decides to get serious and want to have sex? My anxieties are likely to end that pretty fast.

However! Best not to think of everything that can go wrong, and instead focus on everything that can go right: kissing, snuggling, hanging out with my friend, good food, good drive there and back, and so on. I'm already looking forward to it. :)
I'm feeling the worst ever! Had a horrible toothache and couldn't sleep, right now i'm awake for 24 hours! Having a toothache sucks really really hard!:crying:


Well-known member
i feel realy bad:(
i just got the information that the guy i am roommate with is thinking of moving and if he does i will not have anywhare to live :(
there is a significant risk that I will be homeless. this realy sucks!:kickingmyself:

It's sooo beautiful outside - 60F - and I'm stuck in bed. Probably going to be here all day too, if the pain persists that long.

Tomorrow the temp is supposed to drop back down to 40, it figures! The ONE BEAUTIFUL WINTER DAY for a while and I'm incapacitated. arrrgghhh

Also, if I can't get my migraines under control, maybe reduce them to manageable number of incidences... there's no way I can join the Navy. It's full of potential triggers - stress, anxiety, sometimes erratic sleep schedules, intense bouts of physical activity (in boot camp anyway). Why oh why do I have this problem. People who don't get migraines just don't understand how horrible they are. They're life-sucking monsters :sad:
This a.m. really anxious...hyper stressed, abnormally fearful....I mean whole other level of heart thumping anxiety so I went to my gp cos thats a sure sign for me I have an infection. Did tests and I have 3 separate and unrelated infections. Fun times. So I'm home chillin with super antibiotics and resting up. Found this pic which made me laugh and I hope it'll cheer somebody else here up too :)