Describe your dream girl/guy


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  • a beautiful mixed black women
  • lives near me and not far from me
  • met this girl in person
  • she accepts me for who i am and doesn't judge me


Well-known member
Well, she should be:
- an atheist or at least agnostic
- liberal / left wing
- like geeky stuff (books, board game evenings, or video game evenings and such stuff)
- open minded, kind, tolerant, intelligent, ggg, etc.
- interested in sciences of some sort
- interested in traveling
- doesn't have to be sporty, but should ideally be capable of biking or hiking tours

I guess that's the mandatory stuff.


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- 100% Faithful
- Affectionate, emotionally and physically
- Silly and a playful spirt
- Accepts me for who I am
- Has a sense of humor or at least thinks I'm funny. LOL
- Brown Eyes (preferably)
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Well-known member
Hmm my dream girl would have to be shorter than me (I'm 5'5) but not much shorter. The minimum would be like 5'3 I guess.
Would have to be open minded since I like to think of and discuss really wacky "what if" scenarios.
I think I would also like someone who'd try to pull out all the things I keep to myself. I'm not saying through torture :ironicsmile: but by showing me I can trust her and that I won't be judged for the things I like and what I believe in.
I don't have any preference about hobbies.

That's what I feel my dream girl should be like. Might be subject to change after I go through some relationships though, as I am not sure how I would react to someone like that.


Super Moderator
Intelligent, understanding, respectful, loyal, genuine (as in being himself), introverted, child at heart, geeky.

I think that's all.
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Friendly and engaging. I just have to like her.

...Aside from that she has to be absolutely perfect and flawless in every way imaginable. One tiny thing that is not right and it will not do. My expectations are uncompromisable and I deserve to hold all the cards. One slip up, one tiny tiny incompatibility, even if everything else is wonderful - then that's it - it's over - and I won't give a reason why either - cos that's the way it's done these days... ;)

Quite reasonable I think.


Well-known member
Any women that can make me feel the following. Is that too much to ask?

You Make Me Whole

"You bring out the best in me
You make me whole
You make me see
The world the way it should be

You make me feel
Things so completely
Like peace and happiness
And you’ve shown me
What love really is

And that dreams
Really do come true
And I know so many things
Now that you’ve taught me
What life and love are about

But, one thing I never want to find out,
Is what I would do if I had to live without you
There are just some things
I don’t need answers to

I love you"


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5 ft 7 or 8
Red hair
Green/blue eyes
Slim to curvy
Likes to play with her hair/ bite her lip when stressed.
Oh what, if only.
I like all types, but... I guess the following are my absolute ideal:

-5'11 - 6 ft
-blue eyes
-brown hair
-defined biceps (but not super buff - I just like nice arms, soooo hot)
-great sense of humor, intelligent, faithful, honest, can be an ***hole when necessary (but not all the time - and yeah it's really hot :D), and not TOO sappy or romantic - sorry but I can't stand that.]
-not a liberal. I'd prefer a non-conservative too... libertarian or something else would be ideal, but... I wouldn't let a political preference get in the way of a good match. Views change over time anyway.

Just because that's my dream/fantasy guy obviously doesn't mean I'd necessarily be looking to end up with that sort of person... I like brown and green eyes too, and blond or black hair can be nice. Shorter is definitely okay by me because I'm only 5'1 myself. And who knows with the personality traits.
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Well-known member
My dream guy:

-has matching values, beliefs, intelligence
- must be emotionally healthy
- and last but not least... being positive

-black hair
-brown eyes


Well-known member
Am I a terrible person for taking part on this? We can dream, can't we?

>Kind animal/cat lover
>Child-like spirit
>Blonde w/blue eyes
>VERY romantic AND LOYAL. So she won't mind hugging and nuzzling her as I call her pet names.

Chest... Either small or big, or standard, I won't care as long as she's kind and romantic.



She wears trainers. NOT stilettos!
or soft boots.

She can run

She has some education
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