Give the worst possible description of a movie!

2008 came after 1998? hmmm... learn something new every day. :bigsmile:

(i didn't see that clue, actually... well... back to the salt mines, i guess.)
This movie where they're in California and these bright blue lights come out of the sky and keep sucking up the "good" people and then a big monster attacks the rest of the people still living and weren't good enough to make it into the blue light.
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This movie where they're in California and these bright blue lights come out of the sky and keep sucking up people and then a big monster attacks the rest of the people still living.



Active member
"Hey, I found a way to travel back in time to a time I've already been at" #1
"Awesome!" #2 (I already know but you don't know I know - Thoughts of #2)
"Let's go back to XXX time" #1
"Ok" #2 (Who is already back in time at this time but #1 doesn't know)
"OMG you're already here?" #1
"Yeah, I went back to before you went back so I could go back to fix you going back because when I went back before I went back, we messed things up when we went back together" #2


I like this game. Kihira is good. How do you manage to guess it all? I saw some of the movies here but I just can't guess them right.
dreamseller- not sure, but is that "primer"?

kihira- i... i hate you... i waited a month for you to solve this before wracking my brain for the last few weeks, then you step in and get it with one guess. you've just become my nemesis. (mostly kidding.) oh, and is your movie "paul"?
kihira- i... i hate you... i waited a month for you to solve this before wracking my brain for the last few weeks, then you step in and get it with one guess. you've just become my nemesis. (mostly kidding.) oh, and is your movie "paul"?

Good guess but no, and sorry, I can't help my obsessive self :p
This movie where they're in California and these bright blue lights come out of the sky and keep sucking up the "good" people and then a big monster attacks the rest of the people still living and weren't good enough to make it into the blue light.

This Is The End?


Well-known member
Here's a couple more for your amusement:

A disgraced shepherd loses his flock, but still drives the ladies wild.


When a soldier's heart is lost to a beautiful woman, he learns that in love, once is not always enough.