Give the worst possible description of a movie!


Well-known member
Reckless summertime fun and a vengeful mother.

A personal ad reply prank leads to a Giant Vanilla Milkshake of Disappointment

No records are broken and you will see more goings on in this cult film until it ends with a one way bus ride.

...and coleslaw
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A very smart man and woman end up rising to the occasion to meet their goal, and end up making a major scientific breakthrough in the process.

^ The main lady in it was in a TV series, and the main guy had side bits in other movies, this was the first one that I had seen with him as the lead male.

oh, and it's from the 1990's, I think it makes this a bit easier if you know what era it comes from.:)

Elizabeth T. was certainly gorgeous, but she proved she was a lot more than just eye candy in that one. :thumbup:

New movie: A dispirited artist sets sail for greener shores.

Easy-peasy, right?

Ludwig van tells me this can only be A Clockwork Orange.

Welcome to the game! :)

I like the way you think, Mister, but your Mrs. just misses the boat.

It's timeless.

Sorry. This one's all American.
