Recent content by 1139

  1. 1

    If you can't make friends at work how the hell are you suppose to make new friends?

    So I tried to make new friends at work but it didn't go to plan. I came close but no cigar. And if I contact them anymore I just look too desperate. I probably already come off as that as it stands. The only other option is to join some club or sporting institution i guess?
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    That moment when your family finally loses all respect in you

    It's a horrible feeling. Especially when they were the only people you could trust and have in your life. You always thought you could rely on at least one member of your family that you felt comfortable talking to. But that day you've been dreading eventually comes. Your family finally have...
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    Missing someone as a pose to thinking about them

    I miss a lot of people I used to be friends with, funny enough mainly the ones that didn't wish to stay in contact with me. Perhaps this is a subconscious psychological thing, like knowing that I can never talk to them again so I therefore miss them and wish I could talk to them. However if the...
  4. 1

    How confident are you with dates?

    I dont think I can actually go on more dates or meetings in populated areas. I just cant get my head around putting on such a confident facade that may fail, in order to gain the trust and respect from someone that I'm not completely interested in. Sure, if the person is very attractive and...
  5. 1

    Does this disease ever go away

    You feel you have it under control, but you don't. You think it's irrelevant but it's dead serious. You try to ignore it, but it forever haunts you. It is so simple yet so complicated. Other people ignore it and don't even understand it, but you dwell on it and can't escape it. It's ok in small...
  6. 1

    When do you actually feel happy?

    I was thinking about this the other day, how often do I actually sustain a prolonged feeling of happiness. I worked out it was approximately 2/3 times a fortnight. Either when my fridge is full of new fresh food and my weekly favourite tv show is on or when im drunk, by myself of course, but not...
  7. 1

    Has technology made your SA worse?

    I mean, besides work and the fuel station, I dont need to travel anywhere. I use to go to the grocery store, video shop and the alco shop on a weekly basis. Now, I can get my groceries delivered to my door, which I do, I can dl my movies for free and I even make my own grog so I dont need to go...
  8. 1

    Social skills are that of a 5 year old, perhaps even younger...

    Because I have no friends and I have a very monotonous job, my social skills are extremely poor and un-practiced. So whenever large group scenarios arise I often look like a complete social retard, and often feel like my job is continually jeopardized because of it. You never really know how bad...
  9. 1

    Whats the go with Neo the SAS admin?

    This guy has a c**k planted up his a** 24/7 I believe. This guys rules and post regulations are completely anal. I think he just gets kicks out of banning people, what a sad man... :kickingmyself: