Missing someone as a pose to thinking about them


Well-known member
I miss a lot of people I used to be friends with, funny enough mainly the ones that didn't wish to stay in contact with me. Perhaps this is a subconscious psychological thing, like knowing that I can never talk to them again so I therefore miss them and wish I could talk to them. However if the situation was reversed and I could see them anytime, would I still miss them, I don't really know. It's funny how people will go a whole life time without ever talking or seeing someone they used to be so close with. Without facebook or phone numbers there is literally no other way of contacting them ever again. I guess we all make our own choices about that and live with them though.

As for my ex, well, I still think about her even though its been many months. I don't miss her though, I just think about her now and then. The sad thing is, even if we did still want each other there are too many reasons why we can't be together. Enough to ever justify a relationship.I do need someone though and even though she is someone, we could never be together and because of this it somewhat saddens me.... Even if I could have her back I know it would never work out..