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  • I was thinking about heading to bed actually, it's nearly 9pm. Hope you have an awesome day though and thanks *huggles* x
    Welcome to SPW :rolleyes:. There used be an awesome guy named EasySkanking2, but apparently he's too awesome for SPW now. That happens when you have a name like El Zetta :D
    I would love the ebook! :D!
    I'm so glad you got the courage to do that (job-boss-wise), what is this job you are reaching out for/hoping to get??
    Wow man, moving out with no job is risky, which is WONDERFUL! because that would imply facing fear. So mega congrats on that :p Risky is the way. And you stood up for yourself so much... I only hope I can do something similar sometimes soon and gtfo of here!
    You didn't answer one question :p Did leaving this site really contribute that hugely to all of this progress?
    If you don't mind my prying curiousity :p how did you go abouts beginning to 'finally live'? What are you doing in your daily life currently? How did you begin? And also, was the absence of this site a big deal on your improvements? And did I hear that you moved (I think ... right?)? How'd that affect the anxiety? Did a new atmosphere help? Were you living alone before or is that a new change?
    Holy cow I'm a freaking questionnaire!
    But I'm so happy to hear that you can say that you are living now! It gives me so much hope :D Such a small time frame, and so many changes have happened
    You are soo sweet. Put a smile on my face and made me feel a tad better overall :) I agree with telepathine you were missed dearly! I hear your life is starting to really look up, I would love to hear more about it!
    Hope your doing good as well....I moved back to TN a few weeks ago while you were gone. Yes, there is a local club, not 10 mins from me. I go out every other Sat. Lots of people I knew here were glad to see me again.
    Well I can see my abs now, thanks to P90X. I have always been in pretty good shape, but this program is kicking my ass!!!! You should check it out. It also seems to be bringing me more confidence. How everything in your world?
    (squeak! yes, i'm a squeaking owl.) hi there! i'm doing okay, thanks. been keeping somewhat busy today (for me). it's always good when i manage to separate myself from or even tackle my worries/anxiety by keeping busy. (i actually have trouble with that.) my group session yesterday was kind of traumatic. the good news is, i survived and the experience was good for me. :p i'll message you and tell you about it.

    you need to tell me what you've been up to / how you've been feeling lately. :)
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