Recent content by g35

  1. g35

    Anyone heard of this new treatment

    Just came across this treatment recently called Brella and wanted to see if anyone knows more about this. Seems to be for underarm for the time being where you have to get it done through a clinic but I'm more cry l curious to see if this can be applied to hands as well? Here is an article about it
  2. g35

    Work and Hyperhidrosis

    Not sure still active here since it's been two years but yeah I have face and hand hypothesis, the face part got worse as I age, currently 36. The hand part I found a way to effectively control it but it's a bit annoying. I combine iontophoresis two/three times a week and use drysol every night...
  3. g35

    Maxim Sensitive Anti-Perspirant Wipes

    Hi guys, I recently purchased the Maxim Sensitive Anti-Perspirant wipes from here: Maxim Sensitive Wipes 4-pack - $44.95 : Sweating Cure Products, Products for a better living. thinking it was applicable for the face because I have been reading about how this product can be used for the face...
  4. g35

    Idromed 5 DC review

    Hi guys, I haven't posted in a couple years mainly due to my ability to sorta have a proper and normal life with no sweaty hands. I bought Idromed 5 DC mayb 4-5 years ago and man I'm so glad I got it cuz after the initial treatment (2 weeks i think?) I began to see the miracle and I can't rmb...
  5. g35

    How long have you guys had Idromed 5?

    Hi guys, I've been using Idromed 5 for a year now and god it's such a life saver. It completely solved my palm sweating problems. However, I noticed my back and forehead sweats a little more than it used to, but it's still a lot better than palm sweat in my opinion, at least I can work normally...
  6. g35

    How much current for Idromed DC

    Hi guys, I was wondering how much current (amps) people are using for their Idromed Dc treatments? The recommended setting is 15amp max, but I asked markus and he said its ok to go higher its just that i might get burns easier. I'm using 18amps right now, is it not safe? Im getting 99% dryness...
  7. g35

    Iontophoresis and Coughing

    Hi, I've been using Idromed 5 GS for over 2 weeks now and i dunno why, i've just realized that every time i lift my palms up from the tub after completing a 10 minute session, Ill get a sudden cough as if my throat has become scratchy. Has anyone experienced that before? Im using 18amps
  8. g35

    Idromed 5 help

    hi guys, I've finally decided to bite the bullet and buy the Idromed 5, I'm leaning towards the DC because it seems like the benefits of PC is too marginal (as far as I know, it only eases the pain). I just need something that works, that's the priority, pain is something I can withstand, not...
  9. g35

    Recommendation on which Iontopherisis device to buy

    hey, I think I'm going to go ahead and buy the device since the homemade one is kinda flimsy and it's not working as well as i expected after a month of treatments. I'm going to get the Idromed 5, but when I was looking at the site Iontophoresis device against sweating, stop sweating guaranteed...
  10. g35

    job interviews

    Hi guys, I'm starting to get worried about job interviews in the future, as I'm reaching the end of my college life, i'm getting a little concerned about how my palmar hyperhidrosis might affect me at work. Does any of you have any tips as to immediately stop the seating for a couple hours so i...
  11. g35

    secure wipes strength?

    I'm looking at and they offer secure wipes in different strengths ranging from 1% to 3% in .5% increments. which one do you guys recommend me getting? stronger the better?
  12. g35

    hope for acupuncture?

    I've done enough research on hyperhidrosis treatment using western medicine. Correct me if i'm wrong but i feel like western medicine is only there to control the symptoms. for example, drisol is just strong antiperspirant to block the pores so sweat "supposedly" wont leak through and other...
  13. g35

    Palmer hyperhidrosis is giving me such a hard time...

    i've had hyperhidrosis since i was maybe 5 or something, i'm 21 now and it's affecting my social life. i sweat in mainly three areas, feet, pits and hands, feet and arm pit is not such a big deal to me (i use strong antiperspirant which keeps my arm pit sweat to the minimum and the feet sweat...
  14. g35

    Las Vegas season 3 episode 15

    have you guys seen it? it's pretty much the ugly reality of having palmer hyperhidrosis
  15. g35

    newbie, please help!

    hi guys, i've had palmer and underarm hyperhidrosis for a LONg time, i guess it started when i was a kid and i'm 20 now. After reading a couple of posts i guess this is where i belong, i share some of the same concerns that you guys have, mainly the social confrontations, and it gets more...